All of them turned to Lisa who was sitting there with the most serious and pale face that anyone of them had ever seen, waiting for the woman's answer. Well of course she couldn't say no now or keep silent without looking like a complete asshole. Jisoo probably didn't think about it before talking but when Lisa looked at that woman all she hear her head say was wrong as the word danger flashed in front of her eyes. "Sure," Lisa sighed and wore her top again, grabbing her phone and getting up, Jisoo looking at her with the most "I know I just fucked you over" look the woman had seen, but still she knew that Jisoo suggested what she suggested just because she genuinely worried about how Jane would return home. A taxi would be nice but instead of suggesting that threw Lisa under the bus. Lisa started walking to the exit, the music that was making the walls shake unable to hurt her ears as she walked out the front door.

She could hear heels approaching her, the sound of them getting louder and louder, quicker and quicker as if Jane was trying to keep up with her. And then it stopped completely when she did as well, her eyes looking up to check the woman that was not surprisingly at all looking back at her. Choosing not say anything Lisa opened the door and got in, the woman doing the same thing, buckling her seatbelt almost immediately. Cautious much? Lisa thought and started the engine of the car, driving off and turning the radio on so it would fill the awkward silence. Why does she keep looking at me like that? Can't she tell by my reactions that I clearly don't like what she is doing? She may be Chaeng's friend but she definitely isn't my friend, so why does she have to look at me like that? "Would you mind stop looking?" Lisa asked politely and looked next to her, the woman smirking and shaking her head slowly.

She was scary. She was intimidating and scary, that's exactly what she was. "I like to examine things that intrigue me" Jane spoke up and Lisa was stuck looking at her for a moment forgetting completely that she was driving, jumping on her seat when she heard a loud horn coming from the vehicle behind them. Speeding up, she headed down the road and swore to not look back at the woman until she had arrived where she was supposed to arrive. "And I'm very intrigued" Jane spoke up once again, letting out deep sigh she looked out the window. "I'm very engaged" Lisa finally said and she could see from the corner of her eye that it surely caught the woman's attention, Jane's eyes shining when a light would hit them. "Now tell me where should I head to?" Lisa asked as soon as she was ready to turn right, the woman pointing to the left, and Lisa followed her directions, wanting all of this to be over as soon as possible. Jane could see the way Lisa reacted when she would look at her, it's an instict to react in certain ways, and she loved it.

She just loved knowing that she could have a big effect on a complete stranger. Jane loved control and she loved showing off her power, her confidence and ability to intimidate someone by simply looking at them. isa previously characterized it as scary, but it's so interesting to be able to find ways and control the way a person will react. That's having total power over someone. The car stopped when she pointed at the apartment building on the right. Now let's play, Jane said to herself and opened the door, faking a dizzy feeling and stumbling on her way out the car, Lisa cussing and getting as well, a smirk creeping up on Jane's lips. Works everytime... The woman thought and heard Lisa approach her, offering a hand to help her, Jane accepting her offer and getting out the car, looking up to meet the woman's eyes. "Thank you" she said and tried to keep her balance giving herself a 10/10 acting skill, her hand landing on Lisa's shoulder immediately, Lisa reaching up to place her hand on the woman's waist out of fear that she was going to lose her balance and fall. "You should be good now" Lisa said and cleared her throat, pulling her hand away and scratching the back of her head.

Jane smiled in the most evil way possible, both her hands reaching up to grab the collar of the white shirt Lisa was wearing, fixing it and making sure her thumbs brushed over the woman's skin, her neck getting goosebumps almost instantly. Lisa didn't react at first, she was captured by those cat eyes looking straight into hers, Jane's hand sneaked to the back of her head while she stood there, a wave of shivers going down her body when she felt Jane's fingers touch the base of her neck. "What are you doing?" Lisa eventually managed to snap out of it, her hand reaching up to grab the woman's hand and push her away from her since they had been getting dangerously close the past few minutes, the woman's front almost touching Lisa's. "I told you I'm engaged" Lisa said and she felt Jane's other hand come up as well, wrapping around her neck as she pushed herself up so she would be on the same level as Lisa. "Do I look like I care Lisa?" Jennie whispered and her hot breath hit Lisa's ear, the woman holding her breath.

"Breathe, I need you alive" Jennie said and her hand touched the center of the woman's chest, her mouth still strategically placed right by Lisa's ear, her hand clutching onto the white shirt that she was wearing. "You don't even know me, let go" Lisa said, finally snapping out of the spell that the woman casted on her with her attitude, trying to take a step back but feeling Jennie holding her in place. "Oh I'll get to know you, don't rush it" She whispered once again and her nails dug in Lisa's skin, leaving a small scratch on the woman's neck, letting go of her and winking at her before walking away towards the entrance of the place she lived, looking over her shoulder she couldn't help but check out Lisa's figure one more time as she stood there clueless and lost her hand caressing the part that Jennie had scratched.

You haven't seen nothing yet.

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