90; Last Day

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For the past 3 days, all you did was either cling onto each member or post pictures with them on your Instagram.

The boys were going to America tomorrow for an interview and you couldn't help but feel sad that they were going to be gone for 5 days.

Technically they're going for 4 days but when they return they would obviously want to sleep since they would be tired especially due to the time zone change meaning you wouldn't be able to hang out.

Luckily, you got to spend their last day with them at their apartment.

You cling tightly onto Jin as he skims through the channels on the TV whilst the others frantically shut at each other.

Namjoon had lost his hand luggage so the boys were furious meanwhile you and Jin just sat on the couch.

You offered to help Namjoon look for it but Jin pulled you in closer and Namjoon just shook his head no then ruffled your hair with a small smile.

"I found it!" Taehyung yelled with a loud relied sigh after a while.

Another hour past by and this time your head was on Jin's laps whilst your legs rested on Yoongi's lap.

Once the boys finished packing, they had joined you and Jin to just chill and watch movies.

Jungkook was sitting on the floor, in between Jin's legs so you had easy access to just play around with his hair which he allowed you to.

On the other couch was Namjoon and Taehyung.  Taehyung was curled up into Namjoon, his was placed leg over Namjoons thigh and rested in between his legs whilst his arms were wrapped around him tightly. You couldn't help but smile how cute they were.

Beside Jin was Hoseok with Jimin on his lap. Hoseok was softly playing with your hair just as you were playing with Jungkook's, with your other enpty hand, you were holding Jimin's hand even though he was fast asleep on Hoseok's shoulder.

You glanced around the room and realised that this was the type of scene you wanted to see everyday. You loved how you all were just clingy with each other.

It felt like home.

Nothing could compare to this feeling of comfort and safety.

Whenever you were with the boys, you felt safe. Almost as if nothing could ever harm you because you knew you were protected by these 7 angels no matter what.

"I love you all." You mumble lowly as you were slowly falling asleep.

You were sure nobody heard you but that didn't seem to be the case with Jungkook as he looked back up at you with a smile but you were too sleepy to notice.

He leaned in towards you, placing a small soft kiss on your cheek as he whispered back a small "We love you too."

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