Book One: Chapter 36

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Author's Note:

"This is the last chapter for book one, but I am already working on the outline for the next book. I will probably post the next chapters this summer while working on the first draft. It will be slow because I have other projects I wanted to complete. But since I am posting the chapters on Friday nights and Saturday mornings, they should appear on time. Thank you for reading."

 Sora approached the front of the ship where she could see the sun rising over the ocean horizon. Since she couldn't get any sleep after her escape, she wanted to admire the rising sun before she will let her mind rest.

Staring at the sun was like seeing a bright future, or a sign of hope. And that hope was getting her body back.

She still wondered if her human body in the real world was fine. If not, she could already be trapped inside the game for the rest of her life as a fox girl. She probably won't know until she finds the culprit in her stolen male digital body.

"Sleepy yet?" Maxor asked, approaching Sora. "Garan fell asleep fast."

Sora crossed her arms. "I'm not tired yet. I got a lot of things on my mind."

Maxor stood next to her, staring at the sun. "What are your plans after we reach the mainland?"

Sora sighed. "I am going to find the person who stole my male body and make him suffer."

"Well be careful now, or else he might switch you again."

Sora nodded. "What do you plan to do?"

"I am not sure. Maybe I will rob a castle or bother someone. If you want, I can join you on your quest. It might be fun."

Sora shrugged. "Sure, why not? I can always use some help."

"Did you talked to Garan about your situation yet? He should join you too."

Sora stared at the cabin. "Not yet, but I think he won't mind. He has nowhere else to go, I guessed. But he is useful after all."

"Well, don't force him. He will not put up a fair fight against us on this boat."

Sora laughed. "Maybe my female charms will change his mind."

"Just don't tell him you were a guy." Maxor chuckled until he yawned. "Well, I'm going back to bed. You should too."

"I will."

Maxor strolled back into the cabin, leaving Sora alone. She stared back at the rising sun, continuing to wonder if she had a chance to survive. 

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