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.THE SPACESHIP WILL GO RIGHT INTO IT-AHHH...." Seyeon fell because the spaceship was shaking too much.

"PRESS THE SEND BUTTON, SEYEON." A man screamed while trying hard to reach her. Seyeon pressed the send button somehow and sat down beside him with a thud.

"DAMN IT!!! WISH I COULD DESTROY THE BLACKHOLE SOMEHOW!!!!." Seyeon clenched her fists.

"I never thought that we would die like this. I wanted to see my sister after returning to earth. I hope her broken leg gets healed." Jeemin said wiping his tears.

"I wish I could see my best friend Aureum once." Tears rolled down from Seyeon's eyes.

"Shut up! She's responsible for all these. She gave us this mission while she's safely sipping coffee in the control center and here we are dying." Jeemin's voice broke.

Seyeon hugged Jeemin, "Jeemin, let's make a promise that we'll take birth again, we'll meet again and we'll help each other as we did in this life."

Jeemin stared at Seyeon with teary eyes when suddenly the rear portion of the spaceship blew apart and was pulled into the black hole.

"DAMN......." Jeemin held Seyeon's hand tightly with one hand and a nearby pole with the other. They both wore their space helmets. By now, they were both flying in the remaining spaceship and could feel the huge suction force of the black hole. Jeemin was losing his grip on the pole and soon the black hole pulled them into it along with the remaining spaceship. They were falling into the darkness but somehow managed to hold each other's hands and disappeared into the huge ball of darkness.

 They were falling into the darkness but somehow managed to hold each other's hands and disappeared into the huge ball of darkness

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"We've got an emergency.....we can't locate Artemis 07 through the satellites." A man informed. Before anyone could react-

*beep beep*

"We've received a message from the spaceship, Artemis 07." A lady informed and played the message quickly.

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