Lying on the couch together...

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The both of you were lying on the couch together, you had you legs on top of his as you lay sideways and he laid "normally" (idk how to explain but hopefully you get what I'm trying to explain ) It was lazy Sunday for the both of you so you guys decided to spend it together watching movies. You had picked Santa Claus 2, it was the part where Charlie was telling Scott how he didn't think it was fair that he had to keep all these secrets from everyone because his dad was Santa. You never knew why but ever since you were little that part always got to you and next thing you know you start crying. Niall seemed to notice because he grabbed your hand gently at first and then tight in a comforting manner. You gave him a thankful smile and he gave one back. "I'm sorry!" You said

"But why?"

"Um I don't know its just ... I guess what im trying to say is thank you ! You don't have to be here with me yet you are and that means a lot to me...I could never ask for anyone better than you Niall!"

"Awwe (Y/N) ... I'm the one who should be thanking you ... For letting me spend these amazing moments with you!" He replied

There was a moment of peaceful silence until he broke it with something unexpected..."(Y/N) I love you!"

"What?" You replied confused

"Yeah I love you ... I Am In Love With (Y/N)!!!" He nearly screamed, you were so shocked, it was the first time Niall had ever told you he loved you. You just stayed silent and soon realized that Niall's smile started then leaned in and gave him a very passionate kiss. You pulled away but still had your foreheads touching while looking straight into those gorgeous blue eyes of his, "Niall Horan ... I Love You Too!" You said before connecting lips once more and sharing a sweet kiss. You could feel Niall smiling into the kiss and you knew that from that day forward things would be different! c;

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