When Couples Love Each Other...

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"(YN) calm down we'll figure this out." Niall assured me

I gave a low scoff, "You don't understand do you?"

"I understand and I know that we'll find a way out of this." He spoke

"No, no we won't" I said, beginning to walk away from him exiting the bedroom and going down the stairs.

"Why do you always have to be so darn negative!" He spat

"Negative? I'm being realistic! You're just too stupid to open your eyes and realize it!" I was pissed

"Okay now you're acting like a bi**h, why is it so hard for you to see the positive side of things! No you know what? Yes , there isn't a solution. I guess we're just stuck now aren't we?" Now he was just as mad as I was

I was done, done with him, done with the situation and done with this conversation. I stormed out through the back door onto the backyard

"No this is not over!" His voice rose in volume, "Why are you walking away? I'm agreeing with you!" He yelled

I let out a shriek of frustration!

"Okay go ahead get mad but I know that there is no way we can figure this out unless you stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself!" He screamed

I could feel the hot tears sting as they slid down my cheek.

"Everybody goes through some type of crap in their lives!" He let out

The tears began to flow like a river, and I just wanted this to stop...

"Why are you yelling at me!" I let out

"Because you need to realize that you aren't the only one! Everyone feels bad, everyone feels pissed off, everyone feels scared because we aren't able to do anything about it! Until you don't feel that way anymore and you realize that things do get better!" He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair, just like he always did when he was frustrated, "and I yelled at you because I care about you! I want to see you happy, and that's what couples do...when they love each other!" He screamed the last part

I turned and looked at him, and was only met with sincerity.

"You love me?" I whispered

"Of course I do!" He said as he reached for me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

I couldn't help the butterflies that flew around in my stomach. Hearing him say those words automatically made me feel better, feel loved.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered into his chest, "I don't know what came over me. I'm horrible!" I began sob, he brought me in even tighter, not caring about the wet stains covering his grey T-shirt.

He pulled away slightly, lifting my chin with his index finger, to meet his gaze.

"Hey, hey! You're not horrible! Don't ever say that again!" He scorned playfully

"I love you.." He whispered

I couldn't help the smile that automatically appeared on my face,

"I love you!" I said before closing the gap between us, interlocking my lips with his in a passionate and loving kiss.

I know its short but I think its kind of cute! Lol please vote+comment+follow!

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