Chapter 36

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The roar of thunders greeted us the following morning. The heavy drops of water drenching the surface had woke me up when I felt sprinkles of water all over my body that had managed to intrude within the cabin from the open window. I stretched and yawned and was about to get up when I felt a soft body snuggling closer, a sweet reminder of the memorable night of my life.

'I love you.' I announced in a husky voice filled with tiredness and sincerity.

'Humph!' Sonia hummed and pressed her lips tight, making me smile at her gestures.

'Get up, baby. We need to leave soon. It's time to get back to the hotel. Don't want to get caught. Do we?' I cooed and whispered. Shyness had engulfed me when I recalled the passionate night and what we had ended up with. I stretched my hand towards the adjacent table to take my phone. There was no reply from her as she laid there beside me with eyes closed shut and arms around my torso, but from the pace of her breath fanning over my bare chest, I was aware of her consciousness.

I checked the time on my phone meanwhile played with her hairs, twenty past five; it read. We had to vacant the cabins by six and reach the hotel before eight. I had calculated.

'What time is it?' Sonia mumbled as she snuggled closer. I inhaled her fragrance and eliminated any bits of space we had between us, tempted to feel her warmth furthermore.

'Plenty to make it on time! We can have a fresh round in the morning if you want. Wanna do skinny dipping in the ocean? I have never tried it underwater.' I teased and received a light slap on my chest, making me chuckle.

'I am not doing it again. You are unstoppable once you start pounding. It had hurt like a bitch. I wish I were a boy so I could make you go through this. I don't understand why do people do it? I'd never do it if it weren't with you.' Sonia complained making me shut my mouth. Her words weren't nonchalant, but calculative that had left me to ponder over it.

'I understand, my precious. I promise I wouldn't ever do it again. I am sorry.' I whispered, having nothing else to say. Indeed, I was very rough, but what else one would expect from a boy who had lost his virginity to the girl of his dreams. It was meant to be passionate.

'You are promising that you wouldn't ever have sex with me again? You feel sorry about that?' Sonia raised her head to look at me with accusing eyes. Her lips were swollen and cheeks had turned crimson.

'That's not what I meant. I am not saying sorry for making love with you, but I am sorry I was rough and avoided your screams. I won't be so rough again.' I reprimanded her for using the words so carelessly. It was special and she should have mentioned it more tenderly. Sonia nodded her head and laid her head on my chest again.

'Are you feeling any soreness, love? We can arrange some painkillers, baby. Don't want you to limp around the whole trip. It would be so apparent for everybody else...if you want to keep it a secret. I mean.' I questioned after a few moments of peaceful silence, concerned for her. I remembered how passionate I was during the whole night. Sonia was withering, moaning and sweating by the time we had had our orgasm the third time. Her virgin body was unable to cope up with my demanding one and thus, by three in the morning, she was begging me to leave her at mercy. She had gone beyond her limits to please me and I respected that.

'It isn't that bad.' Said Sonia and we again fell silent, enjoying the soft wind that had accompanied the rain.

'Still, you should take a warm shower. It will help you feel fresh.' I whispered huskily, rubbing my palms all over her back. We lay there with our arms tangled for some more time as if we knew that the moment could slip off of our palm any minute. I was watching the rain from the open window, enjoying the leisure humid feeling it was spreading. The soft sprinkles on the skin were igniting a unique fire that was ready to engulf anyone in its flames.

When It Rains- When a heart weeps|√Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora