chapter 10

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" because my parents" she mumbled lowering her head.

" your parents? " I asked and raised my left eyebrow.

" Surya my parents are so strict about such stuff if they will ever find me hanging out with any of my guy friend papa will surely kill me." She said looking scared.

'Again her parents' I didn't know why but I was fuming in anger.

She couldn't spend 15 minutes more with me because her parents are damn too strict.
The thought was boiling my blood.

" then why did you come with me for studies?"I asked as calm as possible.

" Because it's the matter of studies beside they don't know that I am here with a boy for study they thought I would be by myself only. " she stated still looking at the ground.

"So you lied to your parents because of me." I asked somewhat hoping it to be true.

" no I didn't lie, I just didn't spill truth." She clarified.

" I think I should leave surya, it's my time to head cafe see you tomorrow in school, I hope." She bid her bye mumbling the last part and took her leave.

And I.....

Well I just stood there feeling an utter idiot myself.

Man! ! This will lead me nowhere.
I took out my cell phone from my back pocket and dialled Ayaan's digits.

He picked up after third ring.

"Well hello nerdy romeo...Howz things leading." He asked with enthusiasm.

"Ayaan I want to meet you boys." I said straight to the point.

" Why ?what happened buddy. You are sounding low what happen every thing alright.?" Asked he , sounding worried.

"Just do as I say Ayaan. Arrange a meet." I replied .

He replied with an small okay and cut the call.

After 20 minutes.

I was sitting in Ayaan's lounge in his huge mansion and boys were gathered around me looking extremely worried.

Ayaan ordered his maid to bring some coke and snacks and sat beside me.

"Surya what happened. Spill it." He said

The boys nodded their head and motion me to start.

"Guys as planned I met sonia in city's library and we had fun their. We spent about one and half hour there." I started , they nodded their head and motioned me to continue.

"After we had finished our work I asked her to accompany me to Mc Donald. I was hungry so was she, she agreed then suddenly she declined the offer." I stopped to take a look at the boys and they were looking confused.

"Why did she decline? " Mihir asked, looking utterly confused.

" because according to her if her parents caught Her hanging out with a guy. They will kill her."I further added.

" Hmm then what did she do? " Rohan asked, seems to be in deep thoughts.

" she left from there." I replied looking at my shoes.

I was feeling hurt, angry...

She just left me there like I was not important.

"Well that should be considered as a rude act. She should have apologised to you. " added harsh.

" yes guys but I think she was right on her place. Her family is Strict and she could have been in deep trouble. " said Rohan..

" Look guys she left me or not it just doesn't matter. The thing that matters a lot is her behaviour with me and her giving priority to her family.' I said, what had been nagging in my brain since she left me.

"She is a very sincere girl and she would never go against her parents. That means my relationship with her has no future at all. She will never stand up against her parents . It means she would never accept my love for her ever and that's what bothering me alot. I mean think about it guys, she is not even accepting to eat a burger with me without her parents permission than how would she accept as big thing as my proposal. " I finished.

"And about her parents they are not even allowing their daughter to talk with any guy how would they accept our love. Guys I lost it" I further added with heavy voice.

I was shattered. There was nothing left. That small incident made every thing crystal clear to me.

" Don't worry yr we will find a way. Just don't give up, don't loose your hope."said Rohan, putting his hand on my shoulder.

And I looked up at him with sadness in my eyes.

"I don't know guys. I just can't afford to loose her. She has become my everything I want her, I need her. She is as essential for Me as oxygen to breath, brain to think. I just can't live without her. I will be ruined."I said with tears
In my eyes.

And Rohan hugged me.

"Shhhhhhh don't break yourself like this surya we are here we will do something just don't loose your hope. Love her. Something will definitely happen. " he cooed.

" just shut up idiot." Stood up Ayaan angrily.
And he kicked my stomach.

I fell on the ground with thud!!!
Clutched my stomach.

Damn!!! It was hurting very bad.
" Gadhe, Gavar, Ullu Ke pathe, you are crying like a girl just because she declined your offer. Be a man surya grow up. She is yours only yours. She will have to be yours at any cost and at any condition. By hook or by crook. You love her and you will get her no matter what . Just stop being a love sick puppy and s take stand, fight to get what is yours." He said and grabbed my collar.

Mihir to joined us on floor and slapped me hard.

Man!!! That hurt like a bitch. That day they made me their punching bag.

"He is right. You should really behave like a real Rajput boy buddy. Remember your ancestors they fought to protect there territory can't you fight for a girl you love. " he said, slapped me one more time.

And someone kicked my right leg.

God!! Can't they talk without hurting me.

" I think they are right. You should fight for your love. Grow up surya you are not a boy anymore be a man. Get her drop this nerd self of yours and go get her buddy." He shouted.

And a new energy flew in my veins.

' Sonia is mine.' I made myself clear.and my heart took a flip in victory.

A sudden smile spread on my face as impulsive facts relocate in my system.

' cutie pie!! My cutie pie!! She is mine and I will get her.' I said.

" now get up and eat something. Tomorrow will be a new start for you. " said Ayaan helping me up on my feet.



Do tell me guys what do you think....
This will be a huge turn of this book.

The nerd will turn into a bad boy.....

Plz read, vote, comment and recommend. .


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