Chapter 34

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When the Lord blesses us with something we often overlook what has been provided to us and crave to achieve more than what has been available within our reach. It's a human tendency and that's how the universe works-on greed.

The greed makes us commit sins, do horrible things that we have never dreamt off and pace forward towards a disaster where nothing within you could be prevented from vanishing. It's like paying back for all your sins on earth.

The universe will make you suffer before it will make you cherish. It's the best teacher that will make you value things by snatching the things away from you. It's the only way it works. You need to understand the meaning of tears and pain before it will bless you with happy smiles, so you'd value it.

At any moment; whenever the thought that you have achieved enough shall cross your mind, it will make you see how low you are by blowing the truth right across your face. It's a never-ending cycle. The moment you think you are happy; it will make you suffer so much so you could value the next smile. It's a temptation if one could resist he would surely be blessed with something further beautiful, but the real trouble arises upon controlling the greed and resisting the temptation. The luring aroma it spreads in the environment challenges your existence till the moment you lose it and that was something which was about to happen. I had yet to witness the dark side of the sea as my life was ready to take a U-turn, making me stumble over another destiny. The signs were as clear as water, but seemingly I was too engrossed in the moment to grasp the hints.

The night was beautiful and surreal, almost as if it wasn't real. We were intoxicated by the youthfulness pulsating in our veins, reckless to take decisions, careless to understand the obvious symptoms and courageous to take risks as we went past the security and entered into the booming land of the Darling Harbour, a place full of the cheerful raging crowd bouncing on the beats.

The sky was dark with only a handful twinkling stars above the horizons, spreading across the beach like a duvet of fresh flower, but the absence of the moon was never felt as the devoid was accurately fulfilled by the colourful artificial lights placed at different angles. The loudspeakers vibrating the surface had muted the sound of waves brought to the shore by the sea and was making me feel alive so much that I had lost my ability to think while the odour of sweat, alcohol and smoke was ample to steal my sense away.

I was living in a fairy tale, a dreamland where everything was beautiful. Things were advancing in their own perfect accord and the pace was settled by some magical force determined to make my life a living heaven. I was dreaming with open eyes and the fatal intoxication had taken over my senses to the extent that I had almost forgotten to wake up. I had forgotten the fact that the dreams were never meant to be real and sooner or later one has to wake up to face the harsh reality, that things couldn't be as simple as it seems-that I couldn't get Sonia, so easily.

'This place is...' Sonia gaped fidgeting with her bracelet as she stared at the rows of yachts parked along the shore, the girls roaming around in two-piece bikinis that barely covered anything with red mugs in one hand and a cigarette in other and the shirtless boys making out with the ladies everywhere. Her eyes twinkled with a peculiar feeling while nervousness was explicitly laced in her timid voice.

'Awesome!' Ayaan squealed like a woman who had read an advertisement announcing the sale in the big bazaar over the coming weekend. He was dancing on his toes while taking in the scenarios. 'I am gonna rock it, baby!' He pumped his fist in the air twirling as he snatched a canned beer from someone and tossed it in Sonia's direction that had clumsily caught it.

'Lose up, lady! You will love it. You will never forget this night even if you'd beg to, I promise.' Ayaan purred, waving his arms enthusiastically as he gaped at a group of ladies moving past us and smirked at one of them who made eye contact with him while walking by the side, almost rubbing her body against his. She was a blond woman with grey eyes twinkling with mischief, wrapped in an A-Line red sleeveless straps satin short dress. She winked at Ayaan and went along with her friends giggling at his captivated face.

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