Chapter 4

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It had been three days since I last saw that heavenly beauty with pink glasses. And that night included in one of the best night of my life. After walking her home, not home to be exact but a corner before home because of her 'super strict' parents , I came back to my bike and received a call from my dad.

"The whether is very bad so you shouldn't go there it can become dangerous" were his exact words. So I again took a U-Turn and got back to my home. That day I had to take to much U-Turns but I was very glad that I forgot my file in that cafe. At least it allowed me to share exact twenty five minutes with a certain beauty I was dying to be with. I could still remember the night like it all happened yesterday. I was still not over by her mesmerizing beauty. Her slow calculated steps, Her drenched costume, her nervousness and that scared look on her face due to thunders. Everything was so beautiful. She was like a blooming flower and I was a bee.

"My family is very strict but I love them the most in this world if I will go home late they will ask me thousands of questions and take unnecessary tension." I remembered her words exactly. Her melodious voice was still ringing in my ears. After that beautiful rainy night the municipality of city declared a high alert due to rain fall, hence schools were cancelled and people were advised to stay in there respective houses due to safety measures. First time in my whole student life I was disappointed of holidays. I badly wanted to see her again.


At home

I was lying on my king size bed looking at ceiling suddenly I got that urge to paint something. Painting, was one of my most passionate hobbies but I hadn't painted for quite a long time. It gave me calmness, an strange peace to my soul and also helped me to draw my imagination.
Indeed I always fantasized about every thing and anything. I had my own view to look at the situation and conditions in my own way. Sometimes I used to stop walking and fantasized about any particular object to replace it with its actual condition to my imaginary condition . Like about four days ago I fantasized a empty wall to be a rotating skateboard and I ended up spray painting the wall in a skate board structure.

I stood up from my bed and brought my canvas from an adjacent room to store room of my house, where all my childhood things were kept along with dozens of paintings I had painted. I arranged all my painting stuffs and started to draw. I was engrossed in imagination as my hands did magic on that white canvas. I was stealing glances of outside scenery of rain and drenched trees. Those grey clouds, full with water was piercing my heart. I was feeling a strange restlessness in my heart.

After about an hour and half, I at last stopped. My imagination faded away as I looked at my piece of imagination . I had drawn on the before white canvas and unlike any other times where my creations brought solace to my heart, this painting started a sudden havoc in my heart.
I had drawn Rain on the black surface But that was not, which was creating such a thunderstorm in my mind but the girl I drew along with the rain under a banyan tree did.

I had painted a girl standing under a tree in a rainy night holding a whirlpool of emotions in her scared eyes. Her hairs were dripping water as her silky white cloths clad her creamy skin like a second skin. Her curves were giving her look of a nymph that could make any man lose his sanity.

"Why did I draw her? "I thought.

There was no doubt I admired the girl so much but it was due to her hard word and intelligence that made my eyes to move towards her. That was the first time I was attracted towards her beauty. First time in all those years I was so curious to know her personally. First time in all those years I wanted to be friend with her, righteously.

That day I was not taking her as my competitor rather I was looking at her as a simple yet a very beautiful girl. I had drawn Sonia in that rainy night when I met her for my file. And it was not any hormonal activity which was drawing my attention towards her and I was very sure about that rather it was a pure curiosity. My imagination took my best that day. I was so eager to solve that mystery But I knew one thing for sure that If I had drawn her it means I had to know her at any cost not for her, not for me but for my this crazy stupid mind and this super crazy heart.
I got an another mystery to solve that year and with that I again started to watch my creation while listing a very melodious sound of water droplets falling on the surface.



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