chapter 26

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Should someone beg for forgiveness for harboring an impossible love?

No, certainly not.

Because there are so many Loves that's also impossible in a human being's lifetime. Love, that are never requited at time. Love, that has destroyed humanity. Love, that provoked people to turn evil. Love that turned humanity to insanity and still we continue to love for eternity, till eternity.

Meera's love for Lord Krishna was also impossible, but it was Meera's devotion for Lord Krishna and her firm belief in love that had given her courage to gulp down a bowl full of poison in one go and yet stand alive on her feet. She wasn't his wife. She wasn't his love. She was a mere devotee, yet she was special and is being remembered till present.

There are so many such people who loved with their whole heart, without any expectations, without any conditions. Their love remained unrequited, yet the love harbored with time and was set as an examples, but my love for Sonia wasn't one among them, although it was an unrequited love, but it was not impossible. It was something divine, marvelous. Something I was unable to explain to anyone, yet there were people who knew everything; who were familiar with everything and my mother was one person among those few people who were familiar with my soul, who knew what was I feeling. She knew how much love I had in my heart for Sonia.

It's true: one can lie with whole world, can hide things with everyone, but when it comes to mother. It's impossible to hide anything at all! Even thinking about hiding things from her is foolishness of one kind. She is an omniscient. She knows everything about her child. Every minor detail, that may seems peculiar for the rest of the world, but for her it wouldn't be unfamiliar ever.

My Mother wasn't any exception to the statement. She loved me with her everything. She had faith in me and I had faith in my love. Still her love stood more firm and rigid at front of my love that day.

Why love is more important than faith?

Because Faith is merely a roadway that leads to the path of love and greater love afterwards.

I stood dumbstruck at my place and my Mother walked from the isle we were standing, to the isle Sonia was standing with her half family. I saw her walking past many other customers with determination radiating her face. She looked different from my mother. She was a complete different person. The professional lawyer who once hated overly crowded place was then making her away to the complete opposite side of the shop, making her way among the pool of people while I stood there dumbfounded and unable to move an inch, opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water.

I knew my mother wasn't insane, dumb or anything of that kind and I had no need to be worried about, but I was afraid, afraid, because she was blinded by the love of a mother for her child. She was witnessing her child suffering in love. Although we never had a conversation about it, but I knew that she knew how badly I wanted Sonia to love me. I'd seen it in her many times. She had caught me awake during nights multiple times when I was drawing Sonia's portraits. I wasn't scared of her, or her controlling behavior for the people around her. I was scared of her love for me. My mother loved me and love can make people commit sins.

Again this love!

Love! A single word with thousands hidden meaning.

Shaking myself out of my reverie, I walked, more like, ran toward the isle Sonia was standing. It didn't take me more than five minutes to dodge people in my way and reach to the place where the ladies were exchanging Hellos.

By the time I stood by my mother's side, she had already introduced herself and so far was leading a smooth conversation with the lady who I assumed was Sonia's mother.

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