Chapter 33

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'You are looking beautiful.' I whispered in her ear as soon as we were settled down in the cab. 'And ravishing.' I added further, voice husky and barely audible. It was something I had learnt from the Hollywood movies (Fifty Shades Darker if you ask the name) and I had always wondered if I would ever be able to use the tactics or would end up making a fool of myself whenever I'd try but then, the very moment Sonia had stepped off the elevator; I realized that it wasn't that hard. On anything, I hadn't had to put any effort into it. The feelings were in-charge and I was a mere puppet of their hands. I had felt my core burning as if I had run a marathon and the emotions flow as smoothly as the calm water of Arabian Ocean during a peaceful night.

She was wearing a black crop top and short skirt that reached her lower thighs with matching black stilettos. A silver bracelet dangled around her wrist making melodious sound whenever she moves her hand while a neck-tight clanged around her neck complimenting her collarbones. The golden nose-ring went perfect with her studded earrings while the smooth mascara and eyeliner made her doe-like eyes all the more captivating and beautiful. Her shoulder-length hairs were curled smoothly and flew past her shoulder hiding the strap of her top; tempting me to run my hands through it while her naturally pink lips were coated with a thin layer of red lipstick, luring me to have a taste of it. My madness for her had reached the new heights and before I knew it, I was already losing control.

For the first time in my life, I felt tempted, to touch her, to love her, to kiss her, to claim her mine and eliminate any distance the so-called taboos of our civilized society had created. I wanted her to witness my passion for her. I wanted her to appreciate my feelings, my craziness and the deep love for her.

She was making me feel things I had never felt, think of scenarios I had never imagined. Her attire had shocked me, leaving my mouth dry and opened ajar—and if it weren't for the boys hanging around, I would have done things I shouldn't have thought about, blaming it all upon my hormones, something that was never meant to happen. The night was a turning point in our relationship and fate.

Sonia blushed at my words but didn't comment. She tried to veil her face using her hairs; nonetheless, the hairs didn't oblige and stood on their guards as stubborn as the owner was. There was indifference in her gestures; her manner and the conduct as if she wasn't the same Sonia as she used to be.

There was a magical transformation in her personality such that the two hours which she had spent in her room had replaced the timid, shy, introvert Sonia with a bit bold, reckless and outgoing one, nevertheless, I had appreciated the trade, or perhaps my perception for our relationship had changed.

She was comfortable around my presence, I had observed it, seemingly her vision towards our relationship had changed from the 'moment' we had had in the metro and she was looking at the world with different glasses, a different angle, a more clearly one or so I had thought. She was taking risks, cracking jokes, becoming wild and more open and I loved this new Sonia all the more. She had clicked selfies like an excited teenager with that appealing pout that made me want to kiss her all the more at every chance she got, something I'd never seen her do before. She was laughing carelessly as if nothing in the world matters to her except the night and the aspiring freedom. I was titillated to witness this shade of her; my pink-glass nerdy Sonia was becoming a spoilt brat and I was dying to pamper her.

'I like what you did to your hairs and to...yourself. I am not judging but I didn't know you like wearing...dresses.' I initiated the small chat, wishing desperately for her to join in at the same time I chose my words carefully, without an intention to hurt her. I needed to read her mind and for that, a conversation was an essential catalyst. And if I'd be honest, I had never seen Sonia wearing a short dress before. Although, she used to wear all sort of western-wears but not the kind of revealing.

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