Chapter 43

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June 27th, 2013

At Sea

A streak of daylight hit Valarie's face, waking her from her sleep. She didn't recall what time she fell asleep. She wasn't on the bed in her apartment, which was still supremely neat and tidy. She had fallen asleep on the couch and felt a huge weight on her. It was Emma, sleeping right on top of her. She didn't mind this one bit, though she wondered why Emma didn't go to her own apartment last night. Moving her head, Valarie then saw Ashley and Heather sleeping on the floor. It was then Valarie felt a headache and was incredibly thirsty. She nudged Emma awake and got up from the couch, and into the kitchen. She poured a glass of ice water and drank it quickly. Her thirst was taken care of, but the headache remained.

"Morning," Emma said to her. She too rose from the couch and went to the kitchen.

"Ugh...morning. Do you feel...sick?" Valarie asked her.

"I do! I feel nauseous and very thirsty."

Velar handed her a glass of water.

"So, what happened last night? All I remember is drinking another cup of rum and everything went blank." Emma questioned.

"I, I can't remember either," Valarie replied. She walked from the kitchen to the balcony for some fresh air and saw quite the sight. The ocean dominated the view, spanning for miles in all directions. It was here the reality of the situation has now thoroughly sunk in. Though, she'd enjoy the view more if she didn't have this splitting headache. Returning back inside, she saw the rum bottle and picked it up. It was bone dry.

"Geez, did we drink all of it?" she remarked.

Ashley was heard laughing.

"Hungover, are we?"

"Oh, so this is what people mean when they are hungover," Valarie said. "This sucks."

"To honest, as far as hangovers go, this isn't too bad."

"You drank alcohol before?"

"Just a handful of times. Are you really surprised?"

"Well, no, not really."

Heather was the last of them to wake up. She got off the floor and managed her hair, which got all messy from sleeping on the ground. The first thing she did was get out her phone and checked something on it, getting a smirk out of her.

"Hmm. That's funny." she remarked.

"What is?" Valarie asked.

"It seems that I took pictures from last night. This one, in particular, is very interesting"

The girls gathered around Heather and saw the photos on her phone that she had taken. All of them turned red.

"Oh my..." Valarie uttered.

"That's" Emma let out.

Ashley was the reddest of them all.

"Well. How about that."

The photo was a selfie of Heather looking calm and content as Ashley had her arms wrapped around her trying to make-out with her, but as she was the drunkest of them all, failed spectacularly. They were all giggling maniacally.

"You know, Ashley," Heather said. "People usually go on a date before kissing. But, you were so drunk you couldn't even do that."

"In that case," Ashley said, grinning. "Wanna go out on a date?"

Heather chuckled softy. "Oh, yeah, sure. Good joke."

"I'm not joking though."

Everyone fell silent, with Heather looking at Ashley with total confusion.

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