Chapter 34

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May 5th, 2013

The Mojave Rose campus was still populated, not with students, but with workers. At around nine o'clock, a team of workers arrived at the school. They along, with some school officials, congregated at where the old science building once stood. Just underneath its neglected foundation lay a bomb, sealed for over two decades. A relic of a previous era. Redwood has been on the site since the early morning, sleeping little as he was serving as a chaperon for prom the previous night. With him on this day was Buchanan, who tagged along because the whole thing interested her. She always wondered what that shelter looked like, never having a chance to see within when she attended the school all those years ago. She stood to the side as Redwood conversed with a worker.

"So, what's the story here? What can we expect?" asked one of the workers.

"Ah, a fallout shelter from the sixties later repurposed into a storage facility sometime in the eighties. Info is sparse. I can't really say what is in there as it was sealed up when demolition began for the old science building."

"Uh-huh. So a nuke shelter slash warehouse. Better be some interesting stuff in there."

"Hey, here's hoping."

The worker left and now the two were just with each other.

"Tell me, Martin, when did the old science building get knocked down? I don't remember any construction when we were students here."

"It was after our time. They started work in July of 1990."

Redwood expected a quick response but she became silent. He then realized why.

"Gabby, you alright?" he asked, voice concerned. He laid a hand on her shoulder and caressed her gently.

"Yeah. I's just a coincidence right?" she asked, slightly agitated.

"Yes. And I know that for a fact because the school planned a year in advance to build a new science building. With what happened to you during your match, combined with demolition and construction, July was a very chaotic time for the school."

"The same can be said for me."

Redwood led her to a nearby bench and they sat together, basking in the warmth of the rising sun and enjoying the breeze of a soft wind. They watched as the workers got their tools in order for the job ahead of them. Not long after they sat down did they then hear the sound of footsteps, growing closer. Coming into view were four familiar teenage girls.

"Morning ladies. It seems like the news of the opening of the shelter has spread around a bit." Redwood said to them.

"Yeah, someone leaked. Wasn't me." Ashley said wryly.

"Oh, I'm sure."

"When will they start working" Heather inquired.

Immediately, the sound of swinging sledgehammers filled the air with their crude bashes against the concrete.

"About several seconds ago." Redwood replied. " It shouldn't take too long. They just have to go through a layer to access the entrance of the shelter."

The four girls and sat with the two adults and they all waited and watched. The workers with their sledgehammers wreaked havoc on the concrete. Pieces of rubble flew in all directors with every impact, raining down with little dings once they hit the ground. Soon, in the air around the workers, formed a gray, powdery cloud, compelling them to don face masks. Though a good distance away, Redwood and the rest could smell the smashed rubble. He was correct on saying that they wouldn't take long. In an hour, they were done and were now sweeping the area clean and hauling off the debris. Heather and Ashley jumped up from where they sat and were visibly excited.

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