Chapter 4

596 11 16

Wednesday October 31st, 2013

The next day was marked by the arrival of the ammunition and uniforms. Inside the garage, boxes and crates were piled on top of each other. They were all filled to the brim with tank rounds of various calibers and machine-gun belts. The uniforms were in Room 34, where the team was currently at, trying them. Suffice to say, there was a lot of laughing. When Valarie got her uniform, she looked at it closely. Its tan color resembled the sand that she knew all too well. When she put them on, they were rather snug, the shirt and pants feeling alright. The boots were of aged brown leather. They felt rather excellent for military boots. The cuffs of her pants were stuffed into them, just the way she liked it. The helmet was another component of the uniform. When she placed it on her head, it felt...right, like it was meant to be. The eye protection was the cherry on top. She slid them over her eyes and looked at a mirror. Was the person in the mirror really her? Can someone actually look that cool?

"Valarie," said Emma, breaking her from her trance. "God, we look great, don't we?"

Valarie looked at her crew. They were all identically dressed as her.

"Hm. I dunno how I feel about this grab," Ashley admitted. She pulled the sleeves back up to her elbows, revealing her arms. "Ah, that's better."

As the team got comfortable with their uniforms, Buchanan opened another box.

"In addition to the uniforms that were graciously donated, that surplus store also gave us some other helpful things."

Each crew member was assigned shovels, and though the team couldn't understand why, they all agreed that it was nonetheless cool. Canteens, flashlights, fire extinguishers, flares, and bandanas were also passed around, things that the team could envision all sorts of uses. For commanders, they were given binoculars and compasses. Upon receiving them, Valarie strung the binoculars around her neck and checked her compass. A surreal feeling that she loved to death.

Once the last item was passed out, Buchanan called the team to attention.

"Names are important. It goes without saying that collectively we are named the Dust Devils," Redwood grinned in the back. "But rather than call each other by our names, we will instead use call signs. If it works for the military, then it will work for us. Each group will think of one. Let's keep to the desert theme, okay?"

Valarie and her crew convened.

"Alright guys, what comes to mind?" began Ashley. "Animals? Plants? Or maybe something else?"

The girls thought for a moment. All around them, they heard people spit out their suggestions to their own groups. The atmosphere was near chaotic. Heather said something but was drowned out by the room.

"Come again, Heather?" asked Valarie.

Heather repeated herself but again, no one heard.

"Sorry, Heather, can't hear you," said Emma.

Annoyed, she spoke one more. Yet the room was still too loud.

"What?" uttered Ashley.

Exasperated, Heather, with all her strength, slammed her fists on the table and yelled,


Her outburst silenced the room. Immediately, all eyes were upon her from all directions. Never has Heather more wanted to die than in that moment/

"Uh, that's, ah, that's our...callsign...yeah."

She sank as far as she could in her chair.

"Well...glad you're passionate about it," remarked Buchanan.

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