Chapter 39

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June 4th, 2013


Just moments after waking up, Valarie grabbed her laptop and went to a website she had gone to many times before. There, on an internet forum, she found an active thread.

U.S Tankery Tournament Megathread - Version 16 - SAVE THE DATE! JUNE 22!

Every time the national tournament kicks off, tankery-centric web forums are abuzz with activity as users from all over the country, and some from other nations, flood in to talk about the event. She lurked in this thread in particular, reading all the things the users have posted. With the finals approaching, her school and who they were going off against were mentioned frequently.

"A public school versus an exorbitantly wealthy private school? I think we all know how this is gonna end."

"I like Mojave Rose, but, man, they got their work cut out for them."

"Screw you both, I think they can win!"

"You're only saying that because you bet 500 bucks on them when the tournament started"


"Anyway, who has the latest odds?"

"Right here. The odds are 70/30 to Molly Pitcher and Mojave Rose respectively.

"Molly Pitcher has the numbers advantage! That is huge in an elimination match! And they can choose what tanks to put out to the field! Mojave Rose doesn't have that luxury!"

"If your use of exclamation is any indication, you're a loudmouth in real life."

"If we meet in real life, I'll kick your ass!"

The thread devolved into bickering between users. With discussion going away from the tournament, Valarie closed her laptop and, laying in bed, stared at the ceiling. All the forum posts she has read have mentioned one thing repeatedly; that her team is outnumbered. A fact that would have bothered her less if the match wasn't an elimination match. It made her mind groan. She was aware that Buchanan has been on the hunt for more vehicles for the team, though if her demeanor of the last few days is any indication, her search has yielded nothing but frustration. Valarie herself, with all the things going on in her life, doesn't really have the freetime necessary to go out and about looking for tanks. She couldn't just go far and wide to look for new acquisitions...though she did know someone who just happened to travel as part of their profession. Her dad. She reached for her phone on her nightstand and gave him a call.

"Hey, hey, sweetheart! What's going on?" he answered in a cheery tone.

"Dad! Where are you driving right now?"

"Passing through Kirkland, Washington. It's all rainy here."

"Ah, I bet. Anyway Dad, did you happen to see any tanks on your drives that the team could snag?"

"Baby, believe me, I've been keeping a sharp eye out but no dice. The only tanks I've seen are those in dealerships, but aren't they too pricey for the team?"

She sighed, which was audible enough for her dad to hear.

"Yeah...the price of a good tank would nearly drain our finances. Thanks anyway dad. Be safe driving, and love you."

"Love you too."

The call ended and Valarie sunk her face into her pillow and moaned into it. With the match just next week, the chances of them finding a tank were decreasing exponentially. And even if the team could get a tank, the crew for it would have to be trained at lightspeed to get them ready and for the national finals no less! She then recalled a moment from the Japanese nationals where her favorite tankery athlete, and somewhat of a personal hero, was in the same situation she was.

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