Chapter 30

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Monday, April 22nd 2013

The days leading up to a match were always busy. There was the logistics of getting the team, their vehicles, and all the associated equipment needed to operate them to wherever they are needed to go. The further the distance, the more work there is to be done, which in turn, means more headaches that Redwood and Buchanan would have to deal with. Though, at least they are used to such business by now. Yet, this time around, something a little different will be going on.

"Because our upcoming match is all the way in Montana, we'll be arriving in the state the day before the match to not only so we can refresh ourselves after traveling, but also tend to our vehicles one last time prior to the action." Buchanan announced.

Though the match was forthcoming, since it was a Monday, the meeting for today was fairly typical. Most of the team were performing more attentive maintenance than usual as everyone wanted their machines to be at their best come the big day. No one wanted some unforeseen mechanical fault that could potentially compromise a victory. Those that weren't performing maintenance were the commanders, who have met in Room 34 for the usual meeting. There, Ray and Valarie were at the front of the room, each standing at either side of a projector screen. All the commanders sat before them listened intently to the strategy being explained.

"We are, from our starting area, fifteen miles from this abandoned mining town. Ray had suggested a strategy with this town at an earlier meeting and it's something that I agree with completely. This team needs experience fighting in an urban environment. Sure, this little town isn't Berlin or Stalingrad, but it's better than nothing. Because we are closer to the town than the other team, as soon as the match starts, everyone will make a beeline for it. We will take the town and be on the defensive. Some of us will be in the town itself, others will be sentries and be positioned around the outskirts of the town."

"What if they just flat-out ignore the town?" Robin wondered.

"They won't. And even if the very first thing they do is not head to the town, it's a destination that they'll inevitably head towards. The town is the only notable feature on the battlefield. The rest of the area is just a huge grassland with the odd patch of trees. Oh! About the trees! Jacqueline, you will have the SU-14 at this spot, nestled in some trees just five miles from the town. Now, since cover is at a premium at a grassland, the other team will sooner or later figure out we're using the trees as cover for our artillery. So, Robin, you'll be paired up with her to guard her."

Robin and Jacqueline looked at each other and exchanged nodes.

"The flag tank this time around will be mine, the T-44."

"Another flag match?" Marielle moaned.

"When are we going to have an eliminated match?"

Valarie put on a patient smile.

"The national finals will be an elimination match. The ATA makes it like that to make things that more dramatic. But, for now, let's focus on the immediate future. We're in the quarter-finals. Things are going to be more intense..."

She trailed off as she glanced toward Ray who gave her a subtle nod.

"Things were always going to get more intense, that's just the nature of competition. But for our next match, we have to expect that enemy team to treat us...harshly. I've learned recently that at least some of them really don't like the fact that we are a coed team."

The commanders in the room put on confused expressions as if they didn't understand what was being said. Save for one.

"Why would they care? Why would anyone care that we have guys on the team? This is just a sport, just a game." Aurora remarked.

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