As their lips finally parted, they were left breathless, their eyes locked in an intense gaze. The air around them crackled with an undeniable heat, their bodies yearning for more.

He continued his trail of kisses, slowly making his way from her lips to her cheeks, chin, and jawline. His lips were warm and soft against her skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. But it was when he reached her neck that the intensity of their encounter heightened.

His lips met the delicate skin of her neck, and a shiver ran down her spine. The sensation was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. She couldn't help but let out a moan, his name escaping her lips in a breathless whisper.

With each kiss, he explored her neck, finding a particular spot that elicited a stronger reaction from her. He focused his attention on that spot, sucking gently, leaving a mark of his desire. It was her sweet spot, a place that ignited a fire within her.

She didn't resist or try to stop him. Instead, she surrendered to the pleasure he was giving her. The sensations coursing through her body were overwhelming, and she found herself lost in the moment, consumed by the desire he had awakened within her.

The combination of his kisses, his touch, and the new vocabulary he had introduced to her had ignited a hunger, a longing for more. She was no longer content with just his lips on her neck; she craved his touch all over her body, yearning for the connection they shared to deepen.

A newfound boldness surged through her as she realized her desire to possess him, to mark him just as he had marked her. With a surge of confidence, she reached out and firmly grasped his hair, pulling him back slightly, surprising him with her boldness.

"I want to kiss you the same," she whispered seductively, her voice laced with desire. His eyes widened with a mix of shock, lust, and love as he gazed back at her, his own desire evident in his eyes.

Taking his silent response as encouragement, she leaned in, her lips descending upon his jawline. At first, she pressed soft, butterfly kisses against his skin, relishing in the sensation. But as her desire intensified, she parted her lips, allowing her mouth to explore his jawline more passionately.

Her lips moved with purpose, leaving a trail of heated kisses along his jaw, marking him as her own. The taste of his skin, the warmth of his touch, fueled her desire even more. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he had given her, to leave her own mark on him.

With each kiss, she felt a sense of ownership, a connection that ran deeper than physical desire. It was a declaration of their connection, a way of claiming him as her own. The passion between them intensified, the room growing hotter as they indulged in their desires.

As she continued to mark him, her lips leaving a trail of heat and desire, she could sense his surrender to her, his own need for her touch. Their bodies moved closer, their desires intertwining and merging into one.

At that moment, they were no longer just two individuals seeking pleasure; they were a force of desire, bound together by their love and lust.

His jawbone fit perfectly between her lips, and she couldn't resist the urge to lavish it with attention. With a combination of smooches and gentle sucking, she elicited a moan from him, a sound that sent a thrill of satisfaction through her.

Content with the response she received, she traced her lips down his neck, seeking the perfect spot to leave her mark. Blindly selecting a spot near his throat, she pressed her lips against his skin, sucking and biting ever so slightly. The mixture of pleasure and pain elicited a deep groan from him, further fueling her desire.

Emboldened by his reactions, she shifted slightly to the right, continuing her exploration of his neck. With each kiss, each nibble, she mirrored the patches he had left on her own neck, marking him as he had marked her. The exchange of pleasure and desire between them created an electric connection, heightening the intensity of their encounter.

As she continued to leave her marks on his skin, she reveled in the sounds he made, each one a testament to the pleasure she was giving him. His moans and groans fueled her own desire, spurring her to explore further, to leave her own imprint on his body.

Despite her previous attempts, she had yet to discover the sweet spot on his neck. Determined to find it, she pressed her lips against the area where his jaw and neck met, a little closer to below his ears. The moment her lips made contact, he let out a deep groan, confirming that she had finally discovered his pleasure spot.

Eager to please him, she wasted no time in showering his skin with kisses, parting her lips to deepen the sensation. With a mixture of pleasure and a slight stinging pain, she gently bit the area, eliciting a moan from him that sent a shiver of excitement through her.

Not wanting to stop there, she caressed the bitten spot with her tongue, feeling his body respond to her touch. The sound of him moaning her name filled the air. With each kiss, each bite, each caress, she felt a sense of empowerment, of being able to bring him pleasure.

"Y/n, stop it before I lose control," Jungkook barely managed to say in between his moans. Despite his demand for Y/n to stop, his words were barely audible amidst his moans. Ignoring him, Y/n continued to mark his skin, completely absorbed in the moment. He attempted to push her back, but her determination prevailed as she pulled him closer, intent on continuing her work.

With a surge of strength, he managed to push her away, causing her to land on the mattress beneath him. Hovering above her, he repeated his request for her to stop. However, familiar with his playful nature, she chose to tease him instead. "Why should I?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes as her hand reached up to caress his cheeks.

His gaze softened, a mixture of love and desire shining through. He let out a sigh, shaking his head in response. It was evident that he was finding it difficult to resist her allure.

"You are giving me a hard time, baby," he replied. Succumbing to their shared desire, he descended upon her, their lips meeting in a slow and passionate kiss.

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