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Hi there!

Thank you for opening this book.

Hope you enjoy reading DOWN THE HALL.

It's my first time writing so please excuse my grammar and some spelling because some of the chapters are rushed.

Here's the description:

"I'm Luke. I have lived in the city for over 5 years now. I made lots of friends here. Most of them are now married. I'm not in a relationship at the moment. But, there's this girl I like. She lives down the hall from my apartment. Will I get the chance to talk to her?"

⚠️Some swearings and "steamy" scenes are included. You have been warned.⚠️

The names of the characters are completely fictional and is coincidental to Real persons with the names. Real places and shows mentioned are credited to the owners at the end of every chapter.

Please do not copy any parts of this book. I've worked hard on this book and would appreciate if you just read it for your entertainment.

Copyright 2020
Book written by PhantomSkull

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