Table of Contents

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1-4: Elasha Helesalor x Moth gro-Bagol
5-8: Ja'mara the Swift x Scouts-Many-Marshes
9-12: Rosalind x Marcurio
13-16: Arryn Loraleth x Brelyna Maryon
17-20: Karli x Vilkas
21-24: Roxara x Farkas
25-28: Duruk the Strong x Ysolda
29-32: Taemin-Shei x Quintus Navale

Note: Absolutely NO SMUT will be written. Sex may be implied, but no more than heavy make out sessions will be written.

I will provide my screencaps of my characters.

And as always...

Enjoy reading!!

**Once again, I do not own any other characters besides my OCs & this ragtag group. All other characters written about or mentioned belong to Bethesda, RoosterTeeth, etc.**

Update: I'm changing a few things up! Check out the author's note.

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