Part 45.

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You didn't remember a thing from the night before. You woke up in Colby's arms like usual, and started your day. You thought he seamed a bit off but you didn't say anything.
C: "Hey, I'm sorry about last night, I wasn't feeling myself."
Y/n: "It's okay baby! We all have those days."
You acted like you knew what he was talking about but you really had no idea. You spent most of the day trying to remember what happened that night but you couldn't, it's like the night never happened.
You forgot about it overnight and Colby didn't mention anything either, but something still wasn't right.
J: "You alright Colby, you seem a bit off?"
C: "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
You give Jake a look like he isn't fine, he looks back at you.
You and Jake were really good friends and would usually hang out and watch a movie. Colby joined today and when he left you and Jake started to talk.
J: "What's up with him?"
Y/n: "I don't know he's been like that since yesterday. He said to me this morning he wasn't feeling himself last night and he was sorry."
There was a small pause until Jake replied.
J: "Why was he sorry? What happened!?"
Y/n: "I don't know I can't remember anything from last night."
J: "You sure yo-"
You hear Colby walking back so you both stop talking.

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