Part 12.

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You replied to Colby after having to beg Hannah to give you your phone.
Y/n: *Yeah I would for sure come round again, I loved being with you x.*
It was marked read almost straight away. Hannah had left you in peace now so she wouldn't be snooping into your conversation anymore.
You and Colby talked for most of the night, you had been on FaceTime and you were nearly about to fall asleep.
C: "Night y/n, sleep well." There was a pause "I love you."
Then the sound of him hanging up. You plugged your phone in and tried to go to sleep but you couldn't because you were just thinking about what Colby said.
About a week later
You woke up you checked your phone to see a text from Tara.
T: *Hey would you mind coming round later to the trap house because I need to film a video and I would love for you to be in it.*
Y/n: *Yeah sure I'll be round.*
You didn't tell Colby you were coming round because you forgot.
When you got there Sam opened the door and let you in because Tara had already told him what it was for. You went to go find Colby, he was in his room so you banged on his door and ran in to then then jump and lay on his bed.

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