Chapter 18

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Izuku pov
The dust clears and im panting, the pain in my arm so immense. One step
My smash had shattered my arm but it had forced him back one step. However this was far from the loudest thing that echoed in my mind. My eyes seemed glued to his limp body. Was he breathing? Im so sorry shouto. I rush to his side and pick him up, teeth gritted past the pain, I manage to get him into my back, panting in pain and exhaustion , I knew it would only take a matter of seconds before endeavour recovered and I needed to get as far as I could. Shouto was heavy  and seemed so lifeless.. but I used my quirk to propel us towards the door. Please.. please just let me get him to safety, please let this nightmare be over. I get a glimpse of his pained face and I increase my speed as I scramble through the house. I was almost out of the hallway. I had to get away... my world was crumbling, the no.2 hero... I see the front door, my whole body screaming at me as I run, everything seeming to be in slow motion. I'm going to make it, I can get shouto away from him. I can s-
Fire. Burning, hot fire. I cry out as an immense heat hit my back. I can feel my skin sizzling as I fall to the ground. Shouto falling away from me. I see through blurry, pained fear filled eyes as he towers over me.
His flames flickering with such intensity it filled me with a fear I hadn't felt since... stain.
He was villainous, that's what he was. A villain, a monster. I can't move. The burns. I'm in so much pain I swear I might pass out. He raises his hand and I brace myself. I'm so so sorry shouto. I can just about make out his red and white hair.. no.. Izuku you can't give up. Get up now. GET UP .I stagger to my feet. You have to fight. I wipe my tears and I stand, getting ready to charge one for all. I can do this. I have to do this. There is no one else. I brace my leg and prepare to attack.
He's laughing at me, his fist swinging down. I close my eyes and force my broken arm up, power surging through me. I can do this .. I can...
suddenly his fists stops and a look of fear of something behind me crosses his features. It's then I hear it, I hear him.
" endeavour, stop this disgrace..."
His voice fades as I finally let go, thudding to the ground as my eyes close. It was okay.. because he was here.

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