Chapter 15

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Izuku pov
Slowly, agonisingly slowly, I force open my eyes, well eye.. my left eye wouldn't open and I can only guess it's swollen shut due to the thumping pain. I'm sprawled across the cold, filthy floor but now I realise, my hands and legs are free. I push myself up with worrying effort, the thumping in my head and noticeable lack of sight making me stagger and fall to my knees. I force my legs to stand and I lean against the wall I was chained to for a brief moment of rest .Why the hell was i untied? I feel uneasy and even though my senses are numbed with pain I get the feeling that... that I'm not alone. The hair on the back of my neck reacts as if I have been electrocuted. By now my working eye is adjusting to the darkness ...
I make out a shadow.
A dark shadow stood against the opposite wall. In an instant the shadows eyes lock with mine. Deep, crimson red pierce into me and I'm forced to take a step back before recovering and getting into a defensive stance. Stay calm Izuku, you can still fight... wait for them to move and then you can charge up one f-
" I bet you feel real confused right now huh? I bet you feel scared.. maybe even angry? Well I don't give a shit about how you feel, you won't be feeling anything soon " the shadow laughed, their voice scratchy and deep. I frown, they were talking so freely, did they believe that they had the upper hand? I grit my teeth, preparing myself. The figure noticed this and they snorted a laugh.
"Oh... this is pathetic. Pathetic. I finally get a job from someone big, a chance to show my strength and what is it? The murder of a school boy...what a disappointment, where is the pride in this? ..."
A job? Murder? I pale. Was this an assassin? Had a villain hired him to... no I need to stay focused and that was ridiculous, why would anyone hire someone to kill me? My heart stopped.. did they know about one for all? I shook myself out of my panic, from my place I couldn't see if they had any weapons, no light to reveal the glittering of steel. Their breathing was rough, almost as if they were ill.
"I'm not a hit man if that's what you're thinking boy... I'm just doing a favour ..."
I frowned. So.. he was just some thug? Maybe I could fight him... and get the hell out of here.
"But that does in no way mean I should be underestimated, you see I was offered a place in a particular group of villains, you know the one, they have hand job as their leader" the villain sneered .
He meant shigaraki.. so he wasn't connected to the league of villains? Who could he be working for? Who else would wan-
"God I can practically hear your head buzzing kid.. it's starting to really piss me off"
There was a click and all of a sudden a small lamp above my head flickered to life. The illumination was yellow and dirty looking but now I could see...
the villains eyes were of a piercing red.. but that wasn't the most alarming part of their face, scars. Scars that dragged grotesquely from his left eye down to under his shirt, which was black and had a worn look. He did not seem to be carrying a weapon and he had no support items. Does he rely solely on his quirk to fight? If that's so he must already know my own power and has decided I'm no threat, hence why my restraints were had enough, my head got more painful every second and I needed to get out of here.i needed to move this conversation along.
"Who -"
"Shut your goddamn mouth child"
He started striding towards me, a smirk spreading across his face. It was then I realised how weak he looked, his arms seemed frail and his body thin.his cheeks were hollow and his long scarlet hair seemed limp. Had he really managed to drag me down here? I braced myself for an attack. With such a weak body, how could he be so confident this was a fight he could win? He doesn't look young but he acts it. That confidence is similar to the way kacchan used to act when we were still in middle school, so certain of victory. He had been talking for so long yet he hadn't opened up much about why I was here or what his plans were.
I backed up, watching him come to a stop a little way away from me.
" it was so unexpected.... one Moment I'm being arrested.. the other I'm being offered a job from the same man.." he chuckled to himself. What?! No this didn't make any sense...
He must have sensed the confusion on my face and he laughed more broadly."I suppose it is only fair that I i inform you who wants you dead before I slaughter you... you.. a small, plain looking student from UA, man, when u tell you I was shocked.. he didn't give much of an explanation as to why he wanted me to do this and of course it had to be kept all hush to protect his ... fame"
I hated the glint in his eyes... fame? Who was he talking about? I know I should attack whilst he's off guard but.. I need to hear this.
"Anyway.. he told me if I did this I'd be rewarded in mountains.. and I could walk free, he did seem desperate mind you... I remember he said that you had to be removed... as you were a .. oh what was it?"
The villain smirked in an unsettling fashion before grabbing me by my collar.
"He wanted me to remove the nuisance that was getting in the way of his... masterpiece..

..endeavour ordered me to kill you boy, and it wouldn't be wise to let the number two hero down now would it?"

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