Chapter 11

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Izuku pov
It was another half an hour before Todoroki woke up, mom had gone out to the office and I was putting the groceries away when he walked in, rubbing his eyes. His bed head was one of the cutest things I have ever witnessed, his dual colours mixed in a mess of hair "Hey..." I smile at him. " hey Todoroki, how are you feeling?"  today was Saturday, meaning we had no school. It was now noon and mother got back at two.. that means I have two hours to talk to him. To convince him. My mother's words echoed in my brain.. if Todoroki wants to go back to his father... he will. But why?! Surely he wants to escape.. right? I put the thought out of my head and hand him a glass of water which he rewards me with a thankful smile.
"I'm okay.. I should really get going soon though, I want to Thankyou for looking after my... for looking after me " oh god no.. he was going to leave and... I didn't think. All logic went out of my brain and I didn't plan what to say or think of the response he may give. I had no control what came out of my mouth next.
"Todoroki-Kun you can't! I.. I know who gave you those injuries and ... and I can't stand to have you being hurt like this, listen, my mom works for child services, she can help you and your siblings,please dont go back there i ca-" i cover my mouth quickly. What had i said?

Todoroki pov dare he. How dare Midoriya tell his mother about something he knew so little, how dare he go behind my back? I'm fine I don't need his help.and besides it's not like I could just move in with him could I? He shouldn't assume..
At least.... this is what I should be thinking right...?
Instead it's... a kind of relief? It's.. to see that he cares this much.. Midoriya...I think about what life could be like if I accept the offer and cooperate, my fathers career would end and he would pay for what he had done and maybe .. maybe I could be happy.. with him. My feelings towards him were so.. so strong. When he held me. It was unexplainable.
I see he's still panicking, on the verge of tears. He was this worried that I might leave again? Should I do it? Should I tell them, let them help me and Fuyumi and Natsuo .. so that we don't follow the path of Toy- no Todoroki don't think like this. You can not rely on this small family however much you want to. Reassure them that everything is okay, that your father would never hurt you.... just like you did when he forced you to talk to those other care workers.. when they came as I was only small. Their faces comforting , voices soft .they asked me questions .. I wanted to leave with them but he... I could feel his gaze gouging into the back of my neck, so that the rehearsed words almost came out like I was a record playing . I could do it again. I could fool them because I knew if I let them go against him... they would be in danger and the thought of Midoriya in pain because of my selfish actions...
I shivered
" Midoriya .... "
Say it, tell him that you are fine, that these injuries are from a fight or training. Tell him that what you said at the sports festival is over. Tell him what you told them so many times before.
Tell him shouto


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