Cuddles (BakuKiri)

655 19 11

Bakugou X Kirishima
Slight Tokoyami X Shoji (But that bits just a joke surrounding BakuKiri)

Prompt - Kirishima wants cuddles. That is all.

Notes - The original context of this prompt I saw was just amazing I can't even - Character A (Kirishima) climbs through Character B's (Bakugou) window for snuggles. Like, c'mon, let's face it here, this is gold.

Writers block is actually killing me right now end my lifeeeeeee - I was trying to draw inspiration from my ceiling earlier.

Don't own the meme


Kirishima bit his lip, gripping onto the concrete in front of him, clenching his eyes shut as his feet wavered slightly, knees shaking from the insane height he was at as he slid along the frame of the Class 1A Building, getting further and further away from his own window. He could do this - it wasn't that difficult, right? Only a little wall-scaling practice - which could lead to his doom but hey, that didn't matter.

Luckily, his window wasn't so far out from the next, and he found himself clenching the other one, lowering himself down onto the balcony with a relieved sigh, ruffling a hand through his hair anxiously. The drop was seriously high and he didn't think he'd like to do that again anytime soon. Looks like he was spending the night here then - luckily that's where he wanted to be.

Reaching out a hand, he gently rapped his knuckles against the glass, hopeful that it only awoke the boy inside and not their closest neighbor, Shoji. After a few minutes of awkward silence, the curtains drew back and Kirishima was met with a bed-headed Bakugou, who looked creeped the hell out at finding his boyfriend on his porch at two in the morning.

Being quite good when it came to lipreading, Eijiro could tell Katsuki was saying something along the lines of 'What the fuck are you doing now, dumbass?', and for some reason, the younger male couldn't help but agree - maybe he had gone a little too far this time. Watching quietly as the door was unlocked, he met eye contact with his boyfriend, who only smirked at him, seemingly impressed now that he'd managed to climb across like this.

The door opened. "Okay, what the fuck, Kiri-"

"Shhh, Bakubro!" He giggled, holding a finger to the blonds lips as he stepped into the room, standing in front of him, looking up slightly. "Mr Aizawa will hear us!"

Katsuki stood there in his pajamas in utter shock before shaking his head. "Okay, first off, no, no he won't, and second - use the fucking door next time!"

Kirishima shrugged cheekily, closing the glass panels behind him with a click. "I didn't want to wake Shoji up - you know how the corridors are - and you know how he is." The redhead smiled at his boyfriend's creased face, causing Bakugou to relax, still slightly annoyed, however.

"Fine, fine." He grumbled, turning on his heel to go and lay on his bed, shoving the duvet around which was already ruffled from where he'd been trying to sleep before. "what the hell do you want?"

Clasping his hands together in a sort of prayer manner, Kirishima gave his best puppy eyes at his boyfriend. Bakugou already knew what was coming. "Can we cuddle? Pleaseeeeee?"

"So." Katsuki sucked in a breath, trying to be completely serious and ignore his futile attempts at persuading him. "You scaled the outside walls to fucking snuggle?"


"Sweet lord I'm going to wear earmuffs the next time I go to sleep. You can stay on the balcony next time."

"So is that a yes?"

"Fucking get in here shitty hair."

Kirishima smiled, bounding over and falling in besides Bakugou, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and burying his face into his chest. "Thank you!"

"Thought you said to be quiet. At this rate the whole house is gonna hear you." Katsuki grumbled, but affectionately ruffled his red hair, resting his head on top of the spikes. "Go to sleep, you red-headed loser."

"I'm your boyfriend, dude, that isn't cool."




"Do they do this every night?" Tokoyami peered out of the window, tilting his head in confusion as Kirishima scaled the walls. "Is this even normal?"

"Yes, and no." Shoji answered, rubbing a hand over his face, sighing. "I only wanted normal neighbors and I get stuck with this." 

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