Injured (BakuKiri)

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Bakugou X Kirishima

Warning - This takes place during Two Heroes 

Prompt - So, remember when Kirishima took that punch that would have been deadly to Bakugou? He did it without thinking, so it makes me wonder (Not really, I understand his quirks dynamics but just wanted to do something here, leave me alone) what would have happened if his quirk had kicked in a few seconds later than it was needed?

Just saying this is Kirishima whump with basically zero plot and badish writing. I'm sorry.

And yes - I reused a title - fite moi

Don't own the photo


"Bakugou, move!" Yelled Kirishima, wasting no time worrying about the blonds reaction time, thrusting himself forward and pushing the older teen away from the imminent danger. His skin began to harden as the purple fist swiftly approached him, and he waited for the feeling of a slight tap to ripple off of his rock-solid skin that was so familiar. 

He was too slow. It was too late. 

The initial impact of the hit drove the wind out of his lungs, forcing his skin to soften as he lost momentary control of his quirk. Red eyes widening in shock, he felt something crack within him before being sent backwards, flying towards on of the buildings inner walls. Someone was yelling his name, but it was quickly drowned out by the rushing in his ears as the air zipped past them, deafening him almost completely. 

His back hit something before he even registered the thought of getting closer to the wall - however he flew right through that, and shards of light blue and white fluttered around his red locks and pain-filled face. It was ice - Todoroki had been trying to attack the villains and he'd smashed through his ice. 

That was something Kirishima knew he wasn't willing to try again. That hurt - really fucking hurt. 

The wall came almost straight after the icy death trap that was Shoto's quirk. The cement broke as he collided, body finding itself wedged deep inside the brick - there were slabs sticking out with sharpened edges, stabbing him and holding him firmly in the back. Tears sprung to his eyes and he inhaled sharply as the pain spread from his back to all over his body - there wasn't any air to breathe, however, it was just all dust and rocks and blood. He wheezed the 'air' out, eyes clenched together as he coughed, jolting the stones behind him. 

"You bastard!" Someone was yelling, and a series of explosions ripped through the air, cutting it almost in half, making his ears ring sharply. "Die you asshole!" 

A cool blast of wind whooshed into his face, lightly tickling his hair - beyond the blur, he could see another slab of ice protruding through the ground, ripping up grass and dirt - it seemed as if there was someone encased within too, stuck just like he was. Kirishima let out a groan, feeling blood dripping quickly down his face, arms, chest, legs - everywhere

Suddenly, someone was in front of him, holding his bruised face with one of their hands, grasping at him with the other, tugging desperately. Pain shot at him and he let out an ear-piercing scream. "Shit, shit!" That voice - it was Bakugou; eerily concerned and terrified. "I'm sorry!"

'Sorry'? Bakugou doesn't do sorry... right? Kirishima let his head flop forward to rest on Katsuki's shoulder, chest heaving awkwardly to support the spikes stuck in his back. "S'okay." It wasn't really - Eijiro swore he could feel his bones bending and snapping with the pressure of the stones. "Really." He added when Bakugou gave him that look.

 "No you aren't." That was Shoto's voice, and he quickly appeared in Kirishima's vision, his red and white hair messy in his blurry vision, making him feel slightly nauseous. "We need to get you out of here."

The redhead smiled limply at the two boys desperate attempts to ground him. "We're on an island, aren't we?" He slurred out tiredly, twitching his fingers. He felt Bakugou's grip tighten in realization. "There's no hospitals here." 

Shoto grabbed Bakgou, swiftly dragging him away from the redhead and bringing them both further away from Kirishima. He watched awkwardly as they talked things over, glancing between them both, heart clenching when Katsuki would give a pleading look at Todoroki - it was so unlike him it was starting to scare him more than the thought of death. "G-guys?" God, he sounded like an actual child now. They both whipped around to look at him. "Am I... going to die?"

"No." Eijiro couldn't help but hear the light shaking of his best friends voice. "No, you're going to be fine." Pushing away Todoroki's firm hands, he stalked back up to his friend. "Now I say we chip away at the wall and remove you with the spikes so that they keep the bleeding under control, what do you say, IcyHot?" 

The red and white haired male stepped forward, pinching the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh. "I agree - we'll need to do this slowly though.. Problem is, where do we take him after this?" The trio stilled. Reaching out his right hand, Todoroki brushed it against Eijiro's warm skin, quelling the pain a little from that direct wound. "There's a few first aid stations but I doubt anyone will be there nor have the skills to help him." 

"Then we get off the island." Bakugou was beginning to look distressed, and it took a toll on the younger, as if they were practically the same person. "We call the police to deal with this, find a way out and use can use your ice to take us across the ocean." 

With a shaky, but firm plan confirmed, the pair got to work, each taking a side of wall between Kirishima, slowly breaking away at the crumbling concrete. Bakugou was controlling his explosions down to his fingertips to be more precise, and Shoto had made what looked like a hammer made of ice with his quirk, chopping off big lumps of cement, bricks and dust. By the time they got through to their friend, Kirishima had practically gone limp, and he fell forward as soon as he was released, Katsuki letting out a cry as he dove for the smaller man, clutching him in his grasp as he quickly lowered them both to the ground, keeping the redhead's face pressed into the crook of his head, listening to the way his chest stuttered as he struggled to breathe. "Let's go, c'mon." Todoroki murmured encouragingly from off behind him. Bending down a little, Bakugou lifted the boy into his arms, making it so only their chests and heads pressed together, to leave space for the mess that was the teen's current back. 

"I've got you." His rough, stubborn voice was so different compared to his hands, soft and firm, ever-so-gently washing over the top of his clothing as a way to show he meant no harm. "Don't fall asleep on me here." 

Kirishima pursed his lips tiredly. "'M tryin'." Looking around, he raised a bloodied brow. "Where's Deku?" His words were slurring, and he felt Bakugou pick up the pace worriedly. "An' Kaminari?" 

Todoroki was behind Katsuki for a moment to look into Eijiro's red eyes. "He's got a concussion I think." Completely ignoring his question, the Half cold and Half hot student furrowed his brows before making his way past the lot, breaking down one of the metal doors rather easily. The metal scraped against the ice, making the injured teen's ears ring in annoyance. 

"S-stop it." He whined, eyes bunching in frustration. "That h-hurts." The response to his plea was for them to begin to sprint down the corridor. "Kacchan!" He squeaked out the nickname he'd heard Izuku call the boy so many times. The young boy slowed down in utter shock. "Please." He was in unbelievable pain, and he spared no expenses for trying to slow them down to ease the throbbing. 

A hand gripped both his and Katsuki's shirts - "I'm sorry, Kirishima." That was Shoto - the teen pulled them forward, jolting his injuries and making him hiss in agony. "But we need to keep moving - you're bleeding out." 

"Get off me, IcyHot." Bakugou growled, shaking off the fist and moving swiftly on his own, hands clenched tightly against the younger boy. "I've got him." 

Todoroki in response only huffed sadly.


I know this isn't a good ending, and it wasn't supposed to be, but I have no ideas for this oneshot, like I said. It's a quick drabble of a hurt Kirishima. I might come back to it at a later date if I get some ideas but I've got nothing at the minute. If you have any ideas, hit me up. 

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