Unexpected (ShouToko)

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Shoji X Tokoyami (X Dark Shadow) (Mainly Depressive Tokoyami and Dark Shadow angst)

Prompt - So remember back in season 3 (I think it was season 3?) when Tokoyami was also captured with Bakugou, but they managed to get him back? Well, the tables have turned ladies and gentlemen. 

Notes - You know when you get impulsive ideas in your head? Well, after reading a fanfic like this I couldn't stop thinking of it. All For One and the gang are almighty dicks - let's showcase that energy. (But I fucking love Twice, my little villain child)

This was my first fanfic where I introduced a more subtle, cold-ish Tokoyami and more of a personality from his Dark Shadow. I still kept his kind nature up, but made it only available to see for certain characters, if you get what I mean. I also gave some rules to Dark Shadow that I don't think the show ever explains. 

Don't own the photo but wish I did


Tokoyami was free from that dratted prison of a ball, and he yearned to stretch - until he saw Mezo, reaching out with all six tentacles, trying to grasp him. That's when he realized there was a hand wrapped around his thin neck: tight and demanding. Fumikage froze. "See you, Shoto Todoroki." The guy holding him whispered, all the while dragging him backwards. A dark portal caught his line of site - it was like it was swallowing him whole. It was similar too the warp-gate from USJ... His eyes widened in realization. 

Looking up, too shocked and exhausted to move, he watched Shoji try and run towards him, along with Todoroki, who both looked like they'd just lost the world. "Don't... Come..." He whispered, just loud enough for them to hear. "You'll... Die..." 

Then, the world went black. 

He thought maybe he'd passed out at first, until he realized this was just the quirk in action. Dark Shadow was yowling, stuck within this delicate balance of which Tokoyami had never seen before - protectiveness, and fear. The student should have known that his quirk had the ability to feel something as scary as fear, considering the quirk was practically a real person. "Calm, dark shadow." He muttered, voice as ghost-like as a simple breath. "Calm." 

The beast was actually pacing around inside him - his insides felt like they were being thrown around in frustration. 'What am I supposed to do?' The dark bird-figure whined in confusion. 'Sit here and watch you die?' 

Suddenly, light shone itself down at him, making him close his eyes in pain as he tried to swiftly adjust to the colours. Finally, his red-pupiled eyes opened, coming face to face with the man responsible for starting the USJ attack - Shigaraki.

"This wasn't who I asked for." The multiple-handed man snarled lowly, looking in annoyance at the group as they stepped out of the warp. "Kurogiri, you know I told you to tell them I wanted Bakugou, right?"

The large, swirling dark flames sighed, and he shifted into a less terrifying version of himself. "You should have seen this one though." His voice was like the rumbling of an earthquake. "He took out Moonfish with one blow. He is much stronger than Bakugou." 

So they were watching that. Tokoyami bit his tongue in frustration. What else could they have been watching? Did they see his interactions with Shoji? Would they use that against him and torture him? So many thoughts ran through his mind, his feathers flattening as fear took over him as well. "Is that true?" Came the croaky voice of the blue-haired man. "Did you kill Moonfish?" 

His voice sent shivers down Fumikage's spine. Holding his shudder in, he met the man's hidden eyes with a cold glare. "Yes." 

The student obviously couldn't do much in this state, and he would rather keep it that way. Resorting to his edgy, lonely side would be the only way they wouldn't get information out of him. The only way he could help the heroes who were no doubt coming to rescue him. "You look cold-hearted. I like that in a person." 

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