Gone Wrong (ShouToko)

697 15 1

Shoji X Tokoyami

Prompt - So I realized Tokoyami's quirk is an Emitter type, something Aizawa can cancel out. Imagine the mental shock of no longer having a piece of you with you momentarily. It would be like losing your personality. 

Notes - I really hope that something like this actually happens in the manga or anime, or is at least explained. It would be cool to see Tokoyami's real reaction to it. 

I do own the art! Eyyyy! Shoji appreciation! (His arms aren't quite there yet, but this was my first few attempts at drawing him!)


"As you can see, class, Fumikage has grown in strength and wit after his internship with Hawks." 

Huffing, Tokoyami used his quirk to grab onto a lamp post, swinging him around and flying him into an alleyway, away from Aizawa-Sensei's prying eyes. All Might made it sound as if he was destroying the competition - he was merely avoiding it at all costs. The fact that he, out of all the people to be accepted into work-studies, had been offered to give a show of what he had learned was sort of stupid. He hadn't done nearly as amazing things as Izuku, or had a full real brawl with a villain like Kirishima. Tokoyami had just been.. training. 

Don't get him wrong - he recalled his quirk to quickly output it through his feet, hopping up and over a wall, landing with a flip before continuing to run - Hawk's is an amazing hero, but Fumikage didn't get to do a lot of things. His eyes narrowed as Dark Shadow told him Aizawa-sensei was above him somewhere, probably running along the rooftops. "Alright." He panted, using his quirk to burst down one of the building's doors - yeah, lead him someplace dark, then attack. This is good. Too good to be true, actually. 

Footsteps alarmed him as they trotted after him - he used his newest move to float up the stairs, Dark Shadow grinning like a small child as they flew upwards, making it to one of the bigger floors with less rooms and more open space. Aizawa was still running up the stairs - Tokoyami almost felt sorry for his teacher, but in stead forced himself into position on one of the ceiling beams, crouched low, red eyes trained at the stairs. His breath was bordering on wheezing, but again, using the training from Hawks, he quickly quelled that problem just in time to see Shota Aizawa make his way through the doors, slipping away against one of the walls and into the shadows. He didn't move - had his teacher seen him? 

The static of the speakers All Might was using to convey the battle to everyone practically deafened him: "And as you can see Tokoyami is allowing himself to take the upper hand in the situation. No doubt something the number two hero taught him!" 

"Would he just shut up?" He muttered, before his red eyes widened as a woosh of air waded up behind him - he spun around, coming face to face with a goggled Aizawa, who was smirking. "Shit!" 

"Thought you'd escape that easily, Fumikage?" His white scarf wrapped around him, and he was flung in the air, landing with a splat on the floor, beak smacking against the wooden boarding. Twitching his fingers, he tried to summon Dark Shadow, but to no joy. "I've canceled your quirk out - you know how this works." A foot landed on his back, and he squeezed his eyes closed, shivering all of a sudden. 

"D-Dark Shadow?" The voice was gone from within his head - no excessive chattering or pun telling, no strategies or pep-talks; nothing. It was like his mind had exploded. "N-No put him back - give him back!" Using his legs, he hooked onto his teachers tensed ones, whipping himself around and using his weight to dislodge the Hero, the man grunting as he fell, losing sight of Fumikage momentarily. 

"Sweet fucking lord." Dark Shadow raged out of him, grabbing Aizawa by the leg and swinging him around quickly, letting go to watch him crash into a wall. "I'm sorry, it was like I could sense your discomfort but I couldn't come out." 

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