Something wrong in the village (Kiri)

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Kirishima centric, but Bakugo makes an appearance towards the end and it's sort of understood what happens next, so you could read this as BakuKiri!

This is a songfic taken from the song 'Something wrong in the village' by Wrabel. 

While I myself am trans, none of what is written here is a direct account of my own life. Merely the ideas I got from the song. I had a lot of fun writing this despite writing most of it at one am on the day of my mock exams

WARNINGS - oh boy where do I start:
. Homophobia
. (sort of) Transphobia
. Body dysphoria 
. Heavy sexism
. Half nudity
. Heavy dislike of religion (I've got nothing against religion - believe what you want to believe, it's just the route this appeared to take thanks to the song lyrics)

Ps. this is mainly a drabble - I might touch up a few things, but this is really it for now. (Read above since it's ONE AM ON AN EXAM-SCHOOL NIGHT)


"No your mom don't get it."

Ejira couldn't help but look away. The image reflected in the mirror it wasn't- it never was her. Never. Sucking in a breath, she smiled half-heartedly up at the figure next to her. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Oh to be young again." Her mother droned off as Ejira removed her hoodie, then top, humiliation bright in her cheeks as she stood there. "Don't worry," the woman assured her, picking up the measuring tape that lay half-abandoned on the shelf besides her. "Bra measuring doesn't take too long. I'll be as quick as I can."

"And your dad don't get it."

"Ejira, sweetie." Her father called from the living room, voice tight. She gently placed her hamster back into his cage, handing him a nut before closing the cage door softly. "Ejira!"

"Coming!" Trotting out of the room, she made her way to where her father sat, the TV blasting football or some other sport. "Yes?"

"Would you mind getting your old man a drink?"

She pouted. "Why can't you just do it yourself?"

"Because that's a woman's job of course!" He laughed, heavy chortles echoing around the room as if she had just told the funniest joke to him. As if what she said was utterly stupid. Her face brightened in embarrassment. "No man will ever want a woman who can't make him a good coffee - off you pop, princess."

"And Uncle John don't get it."

"Happy birthday, Ejira!" Her uncle leant down, booping her on the nose with his index finger. "Gosh you're getting older than me, kiddo."

She smiled, hoping he didn't see the agonizing uncomfortableness rising within her. Ejira tugged at the bottom of her dress awkwardly. "It's nice to see you. Really has been a while, huh?"

"Sure has - let's go say hi to your beloved grandmother- she knitted you a nice scarf last time I checked - your dad said red was your favourite colour, right?"

"And you can't tell grandma,"

Her delicate fingers rubbed over the much younger skin. "Oh my baby girl, it's so nice to see you." Her voice was cracked: old, worn from years of use. She smiled, a fragile look, really. "You must really come stay sometimes. We'd be glad to have you down at ours!"

"'Cause her heart can't take it, and she might not make it."

"How's the treatment going?" Ejira accepted the cup given to her by her mother, sitting down besides the elderly woman, trying desperately to keep her wandering eyes away from her dress, which pooled just above the knee. It was disgusting. She was disgusting.

"Oh this and that - your uncle thinks it's all bolony I tell you! Men? Who needs them!"

"They say; 'don't dare, don't you even go there-"

She hated her body. Hips, lips, walk, talk, chest, face- tears welled up in her eyes as she removed the last of her clothing, doing nothing but staring in disgust at the form before her. Broken. That's what she was. Broken and torn, and no one could change that.

She eyed the first aid kit. Eyed the bandages, and the plasters and the tape. The scissors and the hairbands. She took it all in. It was a chance. That's all she needed.

"-cutting off your long hair, you do as you're told'."

"Sweetie!" Her mother didn't sound as cross as Ejira had expected. She sounded more... disturbed? "What have you done to your hair- oh my- darling!" She called for her father. Ejira's heart tightened, but her body wouldn't move, as if fed up. Gone. Dusted. Her mother's hands were over her face, cupping her cheeks, the tips of her fingers just grazing over the black, shortened locks. "Oh princess..." she whimpered.

"What- Ejira?" Her dad stopped, tilting a brow before it fully hit. The young girl had time to prepare herself for the onslaught; "You are a fucking woman! What are you doing looking like that. You're a disgrace to this household dressed like some.. like-"

"Like a boy?" She finished quietly for him, eyes bore into the ground. She didn't understand. But they didn't either, it seems. "I don't know..." she mumbled, biting her lip. "I thought it looked cool."

"Tell you 'wake up, go put on your makeup. This is just a phase that you're gonna outgrow'."

"So then, you take this brush here-" a hand was placed over her own, guiding the makeup brush to her face. Delicate, little bristles of powder etched its way onto her skin, dyeing it bright pink. Ejira fought the tears. It was like a mask. A cover to hide her shameful ideas behind. "See? Not too bad, is it?"

"No." She hoped her voice wasn't shaky. She hoped her mother couldn't see the want in her eyes. The pleading. The sadness. Just in front of them was the window. There were boys playing, tackling each other into the cold mud, laughing and howling and they tumbled about. How she would give anything to be among them all. To feel normal. In her own way. "It's pretty."

"It'll be prettier once we grow out that hair of yours." Her mother assured her, patting her on the head, fingers tracing the ends of her black hair with what felt like disgust. Ejira's stomach coiled. The makeup case closed not long after with an audible pop. "Off we go then."

"There's something wrong in the village, in the village, oooooh."

"They stare in the village, in the village, oooooh."

"What about that girl?" Ejira brushed past a group of snickering boys, one of them pointing directly at her, giggling childishly. "Yeah eleven out of ten a slut. Look at those hips, man, and damn what a rack."

Pain. That's all that was. A knife wound, but it would heal. Just like anything else in life. But who knew someone confirming your thoughts would injure so easily. Could hurt so badly. Tucking into herself more, she continued her way, making sure without a doubt that her hoodie fell beyond her hips, raising a hand to tug at the top, praying for gravity to lay off for just one day.

"There's nothing wrong with you; It's true! It's true!"

"There's something wrong with the village, with the village."

"There's something wrong with the village..."

"Mina Ashido." The young girl bubbled before her, a face of light among so much darkness. "Nice to meet you!"

Ejira couldn't help but smile at the attempts too cheer her up. At least someone cared. "I'm..." her face cracked slightly, eyes dropping back down to view the school skirt she wore, her gender plastered before everyone to see. "I'm Ejira."

"That's a pretty name!"

"Feel the rumors follow you from Monday all the way to Friday dinner."

"Isn't that the kid?" Someone whispered off to her right as she unlocked her locker, picking bits and pieces needed for the next lesson she had. "C'mon look at her she's totally the one Kenji was on about."

"About what?" Someone else asked, lowering their voice to match like it made a difference.

"He was saying that Botan said she's totally gay, and she's got the hots for Mina Ashido."

"No fucking way man." Another gawped. "That's so fucking disgusting."

"I know, right?"

"You've got one day of shelter, then it's Sunday hell to pay, you young lost sinner."

"I just don't know what's wrong with her, father." Ejira watched blankly as her mother prayed, down on her knees, hands raised and clasped together. "She's not normal. I'm afraid. I don't know what to do anymore."

"Parents, huh." Someone spoke off to her right. She jumped, spinning around to find a young boy, hair a golden-blond, his eyes watching the same scene she was, tinted a deep red, an emotion behind them she just couldn't quite read. "Who needs em."

"Yeah..." she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "I'm... Ejira."

"Well I've been there, sitting in that same chair-"

"Katsuki. Nice to meet ya. Glad someone fucking hates this place just as much as me."

Eijia turned back to face the slim rows of prying people. "How come?"

"I'm gay." The boy shrugged. "Parents think it's utter crap so they come here asking for it ta be purged or somethin."

"Whispering that same prayer half a million times."

"Did it ever work?" She asked quietly, voice barely heard even among the tense silence of the church.

"It's a lie though, buried in disciples."

"No." His eyes met hers, "It won't work for whatever you have either." The teen's parents stood up suddenly, thanking the priest, who smiled at them. Katsuki slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Just remember. One page of the bible isn't worth a life."


"There's something wrong in the village, in the village, oooooh."


"They stare in the village, in the village, oooooh."


"There's nothing wrong with you; It's true! It's true!" 

"I think I'm..."

"There's something wrong with the village, with the village."

"Supposed to be a boy..."

"There's something wrong with the village!" 


"Woah, new hairdo? Nice Ejiro!" 

Kirishima grinned, bumping shoulders lightly with the girl besides him. "Thought I'd sharpen up before U.A - You're looking the same as per usual." 

"There's something wrong with the village, in the village, oooooh." 

"You know me!" She winked, laughing. "I'm so excited; we're gonna be heroes, Kiri! Number one heroes I dare say!" 

"Don't you know it!" He fist bumped the air, hand turning rock-solid in pure enthusiasm. They turned the corner, the door of what would be their new classroom now in view. "We've got this!"

"They stare in the village, in the village, oooooh."

Opening the door, they were greeted with a whole array of characters. A frog-like girl here, a bird-headed man there, there wasn't a shred of overused content in that room. It smelt of unique and new. A few glanced their way as they walked in, before moving back onto whatever conversation they had been having previously. No rude comments - nothing. No one cared at all. Kirishima had never felt better. 

"There's nothing wrong with you; It's true! It's true!"

Walking further in, Kirishima's eye caught that of a blonde-haired boy, slouched over on a desk which he had probably claimed as his own. His face was of thunder, practically; Ejiro knew who that was. He knew. 


"There's something wrong with the village, with the village!" 

The teen looked up, mouth slightly agape, confused. "How-" His mouth closed, like a fish. "Ejira-?"

"Ejiro." He corrected him, grinning at the even more confused look. "Why else would I have been at that church all that time ago if I wasn't gay?" 

"I don't fucking know-" Bakugo swore, but his face betrayed his somewhat happiness. "Maybe you'd stolen a dog or something." The blond jumped down from the desk, coming over rather quickly. "It's... really fucking good to see you, actually. Thought my church-hating emo was gone forever." 

"Aw - you missed me?"

"I didn't fucking say that, asshole! I said, uh- I-" 

Kirishima laughed, punching him on the arm. "It's fine, don't sweat! I find it sweet." 

"Shut the fuck up or I'll kick you in the balls." 

The sturdy-hero couldn't help but break out into fits of giggles, clutching at his sides as he leaned backwards on the desk behind him heavily. 

Katsuki huffed, clearly unamuzed. "What's so fucking funny?!"

"There's something wrong with the village..."

"Bold of you to assume I have balls!" 


now that I've gotten that insane crave out the way, it's fine for me to hit the hay and pray I don't fail my maths mock! Let me know if you find anything that needs fixing - like I said, it's late/early, and I'm quite out of it, but fanfic-desire keeps the best of us up, am I right

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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