Baggy (Shoutoko)

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Tokoyami X Shoji 

Prompt - Shoji and Tokoyami waking up together and trying to find clothes they'd scattered around the room to go down to breakfast. 

Honestly not going to lie I barely knew the two characters until the whole camp incident where we watched their interations and that alone made me ship them. Just thought I'd say that. They're amazing together, screw Asui and Tokoyami. Tsu is a cool character, but Tokoyami just personality wise doesn't match up with her. 
I'm also a shipper of the gays, so maybe my ideas are biased!

If you have read Nightmare, you could take this as the day after that oneshot I suppose. You didn't have to read it though!

Don't own the photo


Mezo's eyes widened at the sound of his alarm: Most wouldn't be shocked at the mere sound, but Shoji knew that if the annoying noise was going off, it meant he had slept in from his normal time. Groggily, he opened his eyes, finding a heap of feathers laying on his chest, keeping him warm. "Toko'." He whispered, shaking the teen lightly. "Wake up - breakfast is in five minutes." 

The Dark-Shadow quirk user mumbled tiredly, trying to grab at the covers that had slipped from his tiny body, reaching out a small hand to grasp the duvet. "Nooo," He whined quietly. 

Lifting himself up, his knees slightly shaky from the amount of weight placed on them suddenly, Shoji looked down at the body curled in his bed. "I'm going to pick you up and drop you if you don't wake up." He said, clearly lying, but still stern. "Fumikage Tokoyami, if you don't get up right now, I will personally go and get Bakugou to throw you out the window." 

"Kirishima would stop him." Came the muffled reply from the birds beak, where it was pressed against the mattress. "And you wouldn't let that happen." However he pushed himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up. The head of Shoji's boyfriend barely reached his shoulders, and it always made him smile. "I'm up now." He declared, before trudging around the room, trying to find his clothes. They were both in their boxers, and Tokoyami would rather not strut downstairs wearing his underwear. 

Shoji gave a chuckle, bending down and throwing the teen his pajama bottoms. He got a nod of thanks and the smaller put them on, tightening the strings and making a bow. Mezo was still looking for his clothes, managing to find his own pajama shorts but not his T-shirt. "Looking for this?" 

The six-armed quirk user turned around from where he was stood, eyes widening when he was met face to face with his boyfriend, who was snuggling into his shirt, burying his beak into it. The holes cut specifically in the sides for his numerous arms actually looked really cool on Tokoyami, allowing the taller to see his pale sides, and where he ribs and muscles flexed out. "It looks good on you." He admitted, glad he had his mask on, so the teen couldn't see his blush. "A bit big though." 

"Well considering you're like-" The bird-headed student reached his hands up, and his muscles flexed under his smooth skin. "- Six foot one. It's a bit obvious my five foot one self isn't going to cut it." 

They both jumped when Shoji's alarm beeped again, telling them two minutes was up. They both collectively knew if they were late to breakfast Iida would kill them, and maybe Bakugou as well. Mezo grabbed a random shirt from his wardrobe, pulling it over his head quickly and grabbing his phone, scooping up his boyfriend, covering in his arms, and jogging down the corridor. 

When the duo arrived at breakfast, Shoji put his lover down and they walked up to the counters, grabbing some cereal and fruit before plopping themselves down next to each other. Fumikage was too short to reach the floor, so he curled his legs to the side, resting them on Mezo's thighs, cold toes pressing against the slightly uncovered stomach. 

"I like the shirt, Tokoyami." Came the cheerful voice that was Iida. The teen knew the class rep understood it wasn't his shirt; Iida was an outright person - he loved the idea of his classmates being happy and expressing it to others, and always made sure to point something out that they'd done to show that love. "It isn't black for once!" 

"Thanks." Fumikage's face heated up in embarrassment, and he quickly ate a spoonful of his cereal to cover up his emotions. "I like it too. Makes me feel cute for once." 

He actually felt Shoji choke in shock next to him, and it made him smile around the spoon pressed into the side of his beak. Kirishima gave a grin from across the table, an arm looped around his own boyfriend, Bakugou. The explosive quirk user smirked at the wide eyed look Shoji was giving Tokoyami.  "What's wrong Mezo?" The blond asked, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. "Cat got your tongue?"

Standing up swiftly, Mezo dragged Fumikage out the room and into the living room. The smaller teen was grinning up at him, still snuggled in the adorably big T-shirt, red eyes wide and childlike and - Shoji just broke. He lifted his boyfriend up, sitting on the sofa and having him straddle him. "You're so cute."

"Figured you'd say that." Fumikage leaned forward and rested his feathered head on the larger man's chest. "You're pretty cute too, you know?" 

"I'm the original owner of that shirt." The white-haired student pointed out. "So of course I'm cute." He stroked the boy's back, and a shiver ran through Fumikage's spine. "Unlike you and your little one-pair-of-arms hoodies, I share." 

The Dark-shadow user giggled. "You can try you know." He said matter-of-factly. "It just... will rip them... To shreds..." 

"I think I'll stick to seeing you in my shirts." He said, bringing their heads together, lowering his mask, and placing a tender kiss on the side of his lovers beak, then on the forehead. "It's much cuter that way." He admitted, watching a blush sprout and grow on the darkened feathers. 

"You're ridiculous." Tokoyami was snickering. "You can't just hand out compliments like that!" 

Shoji nuzzled his face into soft feathers, surprised to find that they had fluffed out in embarrassment. "You called yourself cute first!" He said matter-of-factly, "So technically, you've got nothing on me. You're the definition of edgy-cute." 

Fumikage was practically glowing from the compliments, no matter how much he tried to deny it. Mezo smiled, happy at the thought of a normally depressive-person thinking positively about themselves. "Well-" Tokoyami wasn't much of a talker, so he couldn't think of much except -"You're the cutest person in the whole universe." 

Mezo chuckled, looping his arms around the teen and lifting him up into the air. At the amount of emotion going around, he wasn't surprised when Dark Shadow popped out through his lovers middle back, swooping around the two. 

What he wasn't expecting though, was the comment made by the quirk. 

"So are you two gonna fuck now or what?"


So something I've realized writing for this ship especially, is I'm not implimenting the characters actual personalities into the things I write. 

For example, while I think Shoji's personality is on fleek here, and this is how I strongly believe him to act, Tokoyami isn't like how I write him to be. He's depressive, edgy, dark and sad. He doesn't show emotion, or, for my case as a writer, he has difficulty showing his emotions, either coming off as too distant or too clingy. 

I will continue to write oneshots with him like this, but I will also mix in that edgy side of him - I could argue that maybe he isn't like that out side of his friends, but I obviously don't know.

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