Drapetomania (Kirishima)

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Just Kirishima-Centric!

Prompt - Drapetomaina - An overwhelming urge to run away

Basically, I watching the whole FatGum and Kirishima thing and just GAH. Kirishima always looking up to Mina who was so brave and wanting to be like her just made me tear up. I wanted to explore a few more scenarios 

Don't own the photo


Kirishima grunted at being thrown to the floor, looking up shakily to find the class bully, Ijime, scoffing at him, poking his ribs with his shiny black shoes. "Honestly." He said, tapping a finger against his lips, making a tutting noise. "You're worthless! What's the point of even trying?"

The young boy quivered in fear - his mind was screaming at him to run, to hide, to find someplace safe and caring, not be be out in this dirty alley surrounded by people who just wanted to hurt him. His bully's closest friend, Ikari knelt down and slammed his fist against his cheek, and splitting his lip in the process. "You shouldn't have tried to help that kid." He taunted. "You realize with your condition, you won't ever be a hero!" 


"I'm sorry, kid." The doctor looked him dead in the eyes, sighing. "Drapetomania isn't something to take lightly. You are facing serious anxiety-induced panic attacks every day. With this, you could never be a hero."

Kirishima felt the tears streaming down his face, but he clenched a fist. "Y-You think so?" He asked tightly, trying not to show how defeated he was. But it was no use. His dreams were gone - all he'd ever wanted. "I-I can try and overcome it, can't I? It can't be that hard!" 

The doctor pushed back his glasses. "It would damage your mental stability to try and be a hero. You would slowly wear down and panic would be all you'd see. Drapetomania causes you to want to run away - you'd be safer playing the victim at the school hero-licensing exams than the one saving them."

He bowed his head in acknowledgement. "Of course sir." 


Tchari fell roughly, crying out in pain when fists landed on him, hitting everywhere from his shoulders to his stomach. "Disgusting!" One of the boys taunted out. "Pathetic!" Came another. 

Kirishima watched from the sidelines - it was all he could do. His quirk wasn't as strong at the others, and with his condition, -he hated the word-, he was a weakling. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Mina Ashido, who smiled at everyone in the alley, brushing back pink hair with a loose look about her. "How about we don't do this, boys?" 

She could always charge head first into a situation without thinking of the consequences. Tears sprung from his eyes, blurring his vision. She could do it... Maybe he could too?


"FatGum!" He yelled out, trying to stand from where he'd been punched roughly, his skin cracked and bloodied from just the one hit. The pro-hero in front of him was being blasted so strongly Kirishima thought that he was dead, and the villain was just beating a dead corpse. 

Run, came the voice in his head. Go back up the hole you'd been thrown down. It's safe up there. He shook his head, tightening his hardening to its almost maximum strength. He couldn't leave his mentor here! 

Worthless, came the voice of his former bullies, never be a hero came from his doctor, parents, friends, family. 

He closed his eyes tightly to try and block the voices out, focusing on FatGum's encouraging messages as he was thrown around, trying his best to singlehandly take on the two pro-villains. "Come on, Kirishima!" The man yelled out to him, sounding pained and injured. It made his heart clench. "You can do it!" 

You aren't worthless, came the voice of himself, hardening up and beginning to charge at the foes, despite the voices screaming at him to stop, and his fear at dying. It all evaporated. That didn't matter anymore. You're Kirishima, the best hero in the world! 

His fist connected sharply with the man in front of him, the villain's own fists repeatedly slamming into his own face. He knocked the large guy off of his feet with a stuck-out leg, body-slamming into him quickly to take him off his feet. The guy landed in a pile of rubble, legs stuck up in the air cartoonishly. 

Conditions don't matter. The red-head fell back shakily into FatGum's waiting arms, closing his eyes. I am strong - that's what counts


Super bad writing and super bad plot and super bad ending. Yay!
I didn't spend too long on this one, it was just a small plot bunny I saw the other day about a condition called Drapetomania, and it just reminded me of the scene of Kirishima.

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