Trapped (ShouToko)

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Shoji X Tokoyami

Warning - takes place during the movie 'two heroes', but at the same time takes place after the camp incident. Sorry for the confusion lol

Prompt - So we know that Tokoyami and Shoji had to have been near each other when the robots were hacked to control the island, and so I came up with this drabble to show what the movie did not. In my own, angsty, fluffy way.

I'm actually quite proud of this one, I haven't seen this plot done before and I think I wrote alright for just a oneshot. Criticism is appreciated though! I'm always trying to get better - I am a GCSE English student after all. 

This is basically a protective lovestruck Shoji oneshot where he keeps our baby bird safe. We stan the muscular octo-baby. 

Don't own the photo


"What do you think is going on?" Shoji used one of his hands to pull the curtains back, peering out at the darkened street, where robots upon robots rumbled down them, yelling out commands that were barely understood from their droning accent. "It looks pretty serious." 

His feathered friend was perched on his bed, scrolling through his phone. "It's probably just some person trying to steal something." He murmured softly, unbothered. "Trying to keep people off of the streets in case they have a weapon, maybe." 

Without warning, all of the robots stopped moving, stood stark still, a contrast of shining silver against the bland concrete. Mezo leaned a little closer to the window, pressing the tip of his masked nose against the glass. One of the many machines suddenly looked straight at him, it's face dead and emotionless. Quickly, he threw himself out of view as the thing droned on about something, clearly talking to him as it was the only one speaking and moving now. "Woah, woah, Fumi'." He motioned for the teen to get behind him, his protective instincts kicking in. "I don't think these robots are part of the island - or if they are, they certainly aren't acting like it." 

Fumikage dropped his phone, hopping down quietly from the bed, making his way over to his friend. "Are you sure?" His feathered ears strained to hear the machines. "I have a hard time believing robots are taking over the island." 

"I'm pretty sure." Shoji shook his head, eyes never leaving the window - there were red lights outside now, like some form of silent alarm. He wasn't liking this. "Just get behind me please." 

Tokoyami wasn't the person to cower in the corner, but he also wasn't the leading type, and soon found himself standing behind his friends back, peering around his arm to watch the glass, waiting for his chance to reassure the teen that nothing was wrong. It was an island with the biggest security in the world and they were practically in the middle of nowhere - how on Earth would someone manage to bring tons of robots in undetected? However his beak dropped open when something clanged outside, and soon enough, a face appeared in the window, looking straight at them. Shoji's hand tightened on his hoodie, keeping him firmly still. 

"UA Students found." The robot seemed to know who they were, and Tokoyami's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Fumikage Tokoyami, quirk, Dark Shadow. Mezo Shoji, quirk, dupli-arms."  

Quite quickly, the smaller realized that Shoji was slowly inching him backwards, forcing him to step in time with the white-haired teen. In the corner of his eyes, he saw the bathroom door, slightly tilted open from when Mezo had finished brushing his teeth. "Bathroom?" He whispered, hoping that his voice made it up to the larger man's ears. 

"Yeah." A mouth formed on one of the tentacles holding him, and that's when Fumikage also realized more than one hand was grabbing him now, and he was tightly secured by the bigger teenager, being almost pushed into his back like a baby monkey on their mother. "When we get there, I'll close the door - just focus on staying behind me." It wasn't really like he had a choice, he mused to himself, red eyes looking back at the machine in the window. 

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