"Boss, the reports you asked for", he spoke as he placed the file before Harry. "The production in the first week was like the usual but the consumers weren't happy with the designs that were made, which dropped the production percentage by a huge margin. You approved the designs which were new and unique but the design head moved forward with the old designs too to the production department. They were under the impression that all were approved by you and hence they went ahead with it", he explained the issue.

"Who's the production head as of now?", he questioned without moving his eyes from the file.

"Mr. Johnson, sir. He's been the head for the past four years and there hadn't been such an issue before. This confusion had solely been caused by the Design head", he explained.

"Ex?", He chimed.

"Sir? I don't get you", Jeff looked puzzled.

"Ex-employee. She's no more working for this company, Jeffrey", he said as he looked at the clock to see it was time for the meeting.

He got up and Jeffrey followed him to the conference room. He pulled open the door to see the employees were all seated in their allotted places.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sorry there's no time for greetings and compliments today. As you all may have heard the production of our company had hit a low margin in the past three weeks and I've come to hear that it's the inefficiency of the interns who have joined recently. Anyone have an answer to it?", He looked around the room to see no one volunteered to speak up.

"You all wanna do this old school type? Okay then. Training Lead, please answer on behalf of your team", he ordered when he spotted a short, blue eyes, brunette haired guy stood up.

"Sir, I'm Louis Tomlinson. The Team Lead. First of all, I would like to take the responsibility of the lethargic attitude by my team, even if it were unintentional. Secondly, I would have to speak up and say that my team delivered what was instructed to them and what was expected out of them. They're a team of fresh interns who joined the company just two months ago and their efficiency is really remarkable if I've to say so myself. I'm sorry for the issues caused by my team in any way but I'm also not going to blame them for following their head's orders. I'm sorry, sir", he spoke confidently without backing down.

"Good leadership there, Mr. Tomlinson. You may take your seat again", he instructed as the guy sat down. "So, after understanding the root cause of the issue we're facing now, I've already fired Mrs. Shane from her position and services to the company. I have come to a decision after a thorough thinking that Ms. Jenner will be taking over the position of the Design head, while Mr. Tomlinson will be promoted as the Senior Team Lead and will be starting their new positions as early as tomorrow. Ms. Jenner and Mr. Tomlinson, I expect a two hundred percent efficiency and hardwork from your side and I truly hope I won't be let down", he announced as the crowd erupted in applause.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Styles. I'll surely work hard for the betterment of the company. I would never let you down, Sir", Kendall answered with a beaming smile on her face.

"I'm sure about it, Kendall. You're the perfect one for the position", Harry acknowledged her with a smile.

"Thank you so much, boss. I won't give you a lengthy speech. I'll just try my best", Louis spoke with so much happiness that he couldn't contain his smile. Harry smiled in return.

"So, people you can go back to your work. I hope that we'll manage to come out of this mess within the next two weeks. Just remember, two weeks is your deadline to pull up or go out", he announced strictly making everyone shocked with his bipolar behaviour. They couldn't their boss who was just smiling at the newly promoted employees, went back to cold and strict in just a matter of seconds. They really couldn't understand his nature.

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