Chapter 13: Quicksand, spiders, and earthquake

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The group reach the attic floor. Alan opens the door, and looks around for trouble. He doesn't see anything. 

Alan: It's okay. 

Everyone follows him in. Then, they all hear the door close. They all jump and scream as they turn around. They see it was Peter who closed the door. They all take deep breaths, and set the game down on the little wooden crate. The four players kneel down as the heroes stand to watch them. Alan opens up the game.

Alan: Okay, it's my turn. (Takes the dice) I've got it.

Sora: What?

Alan: Colonel Mustard in the library with the wrench. Heh-heh-heh. 

Everyone don't chuckle as they look at him. He looks at them.

Alan: Clue. 

Riku: Oh. 

Alan: Okay.

He shakes the dice in his hand, and rolls them. They roll a four and three, making it seven. They all watch as Alan's elephant token moves seven spaces. They see his token is almost there to the end. 

Sora: Alan, you're almost there. If you roll a three, you win. 

Alan nods. They all look at the black spot, and see the words. 

Alan: (Reads) "Beware the ground on which you stand. The floor is quicker than the sand."

Sora and Goofy look at each other in fear, knowing what that means. Suddenly, Alan begins to sink into the floor with Sora and Goofy. Everyone screams in fear and panic. Sarah pulls the game off the crate as it sinks into the floor too. 

Kairi: Sora! Oh, gosh!

Donald: Goofy! 

Sarah: Alan! 

Sora: Oh, great! I hate quicksand! 

Sarah: Okay. The three of you, stay calm. Don't struggle. Stay calm. 

Goofy: We're calm. 

Kairi: Just don't make any sudden movements. You'll sink faster if you move fast. 

Judy: Guys! (Takes a wooden stand, and reaches out) Grab on! 

Alan: (Grabs it as Sora holds onto him) Pull! Okay. I got it. Pull!

Judy pulls, but she pulls the top of the stand off. Alan looks at the bottom, and tosses it aside. 

Sora: So much for that idea. Now what?

Riku: Just stay calm!

Donald: Wait. Judy, take your turn! Maybe that can help!

She nods, and pulls the game to her as Peter looks around, and finds a long trumpet. He runs over to the others as Donald watches Judy. She rolls a five and a two, making it a seven. The others hold on to the trumpet as Alan and Goofy grab ahold of it. Sora holds onto Alan again as the others begin to pull them out. Judy's token moves seven spaces. 

Sarah: We got you--

Just then, part of the trumpet comes apart, forcing the others back. Sora, Goofy and Alan get annoyed by this as they're almost at the bottom of the floor. 

Alan, Sora and Goofy: Stop giving us things that come apart! 

Roxas: We're not doing it on purpose!

Judy sees words slowly appearing on the spot. 

Judy: (Reads) "There is a lesson..."

Sarah: (Finds a board) Alright. 

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