Chapter 10: Heartless, separated, and Peter cheats

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The group continues chasing after Alan and the bird. They run through the woods, trying to catch up with Alan. Then, they lose sight of him. They all call out his name.

Sarah: Alan!

Peter: Alan! 

Riku: Man, we lost him. 

They all come to a river. Just then, they all hear Alan. 

Alan: Quiet. 

They all look, and see him next to the bird, who is on a rock with the game. Everyone hides behind trees as Sora and Donald slowly walk down to help him out. Alan slowly reaches for the game, but the pelican snaps its beak at Alan's arm, making him jump back. He tries again twice, but it still snaps at him. Then it puts its foot on the game, causing it to tip over a little bit. 

Sora: Oh, man. If we're not careful, it will kick the game into the river. 

Alan: Okay.

They try to think of a plan. Donald looks down in the water, and he suddenly spots a fish in the water. He gets an idea. He slowly puts his hand near the water, and then grabs the fish. He then holds up the fish to the pelican. 

Donald: Here. Look what I got for you. A nice tasty fish. 

Peter smiles at this. The pelican squawks as it opens its mouth. Donald tosses it in its mouth, and it eats it. As it flies away, it kicks the game off the rock.

Alan: No!

The game lands into the river. Sora and Alan try to get it, but the current in the river is fast, and it carries the game away. 

Sora: The game! We gotta get it fast! 

They all run down the river to try and get it. But while they're running, something suddenly appears out of nowhere. They all stop, and look. It's dark creature, all black, short, three claws on both hands, two tail ears, and yellow eyes. A bunch of them are appearing everywhere. Creatures that Sora and his friends know.

 Creatures that Sora and his friends know

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Goofy: Oh, no!

Donald: Heartless!!!

Sora: (Looks at them) Alan, you and the others go get the game! We'll deal with them!

Alan nods, and leads the others away from the fight. Peter runs off ahead of them, trying to catch up with the game in the river. Sora and his friends summon their weapons to fight. 

Kairi: Why are the Heartless here? How come we didn't sense them when we came down here? 

Sora: I don't know, but it doesn't matter. We need to fight them. 

The group begin to fight the Heartless. Sora swings his keyblade at three Heartless, causing them to disappear. Riku jumps over some Heartless, and attacks them from behind. Goofy glares at four Heartless, and spin attacks with his Goofy Tornado attack at them. They all go flying in the air, and disappear. Donald fires a fire attack from his staff at two Heartless. The fire hits them, and they disappear. Kairi and Roxas fight a bunch of them while Namine stays behind a tree, knowing she can't use a weapon yet. She watches her friends fighting, and she wishes she could use a weapon to help out. Namine continues watching the fight, not noticing a Heartless sneaking up behind her. Kairi and Roxas look at her after taking down four more Heartless, and they see it. 

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