Chapter 4: Group arrives in 1995, and arrives at Alan's home

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On the gummi ship, the others wake up from Kairi's shouting. They all get up and walk to where she is. She's on the communicator, trying to reach Sora, Donald and Goofy. 

Kairi: Sora! Donald! Goofy! Guys! Please, answer me! 

Riku: Kairi, what's going on?

Kairi: You guys, something's wrong! Sora, Donald and Goofy were screaming and then it went silence! Something happened to them! 

Jiminy: She's right, everyone. They haven't responded back to us. I think we should all go down and check it out. 

Roxas: Alright. Kairi, keep trying to reach them while we all go down.

Kairi: Ok. 

They all prepare to down to the world as Kairi continues trying to reach Sora, Donald and Goofy. Then, they all go down to the world. But little did they know, time has jumped them forward. They arrive at Brantford. They're in Alan's neighborhood. They look around and see they're in a backyard. They look behind and see the back of Alan's house. 

Namine: Wow. 

Roxas: What a house. 

Jiminy: Hmm. Sora said they were at a new friend's house, and he said it was a mansion. 

Riku: Then, this is where we start. Come on, let's go. 

Kairi: Wait. We have to be sure. Because we can't just walk into someone's house. 

Jiminy: Oh. She's right. If we do that, we'll get in trouble. 

Riku: (Looks up) Wait. I got an idea. 

He whispers to Kairi and Roxas. They both nod. The three of them take out their keyblades and they use them to help them jump high. Roxas holds onto Namine and she holds onto him. They enter the attic. As they do, they all look around and see a lot of stuff. They're by a piano. As they look around, the attic door opens and someone comes in.They hide. Kairi looks and sees it's a man. He shines his flashlight around, looking for something. 

Man: I don't see any guano. 

Just then, a little girl with blond hair holding a book comes in. 

Girl: (Points at the book) He said it looked like that. 

Man: (Looks) That's an African bat. Some kind said she saw a bunch of those back in the '60s. (Chuckles) But we don't get bats like that in New England. 

The man walks forward. The girl follows him and a little boy comes in too. The group hides and stays out of sight. 

Girl: But that's what he saw. 

Man: Well, whatever it gone now. Bats aren't what I'd worry about in this house anyway. 

Girl: What would you worry about? 

Man: Well, personally...I wouldn't wanna live in a house where people were murdered. 

The group, including the two kids froze after hearing that. They all look at each other as the two kids look at each other. 

Girl: Murdered? 

Man: Yep. Little Alan Parrish and his three new friends. They just vanished about, uh...26 years ago. 

Girl: What were his three friends' names?

Man: Sora, Donald and Goofy. 

Kairi and the group's eyes widen after hearing the names. Kairi is now worried about Sora. 

Girl: What happened to them?

Man: Well, some say they vanished. Some say they ran away and others say they were murdered. I say Alan's father did it. There's a thousand and one places he could have hid the bodies in this house. Especially if he chopped them up first. 

Kairi and Riku look at each other. They then remember hearing him say 26 years ago. This could be one thing. They were pushed forward through time. Just then, they hear a woman's voice downstairs.

Woman: Hey, up there! You kids don't wanna be late for your first day of school. 

The man walks out of the attic door to talk to the woman. 

Man: Not a bat in sight, ma'am. 

Woman: (To kids) Ya hear that? There is nothing to be afraid of in this house. 

The two kids look at each other and rolled their eyes as they leave the attic to go to school. After they leave, the group comes out of hiding. As they do, Kairi falls on her knees and starts crying. Namine runs to her and comforts her. 

Kairi: (Crying) Sora...

Namine: Kairi, i'm so, so sorry. 

Roxas: Hold on. I still feel Sora. If he was dead, I wouldn't feel him right now. 

Riku: But they said it's been 26 years. Why would we be pushed forward through time? 

Jiminy: Maybe destiny put us here. Look, you all stay here. I'll go look around the house for clues. 

Kairi: (Sniffs) Ok, Jiminy...Please be okay, Sora...

Namine continues comforting her as Jiminy leaves the attic to find clues. Riku and Roxas stay guard, for they too are worried about their missing friends. With Jiminy, he looks around the house. He watches a woman clean the house. She's been cleaning and setting up the furniture around the house. After four hours of cleaning, the woman has finished the entire house. Jiminy looks around and sees she has done a great work. So far, he has found no clues. Later, he sees the boy and girl at a table, eating dinner with their aunt. She hangs up the phone and walks to the table and sits down.

Aunt: (To kids) I can't believe i have to see your principal after the first day. What am I gonna do? Now, let's just try to relax and finish our dinner and talk about something else. 

Girl: Well, we found out why you got this house so cheap. Twenty-six years ago, a kid named Alan Parrish used to live here. Then one day, him and his three friends just disappeared...'cause his parents chopped them up in little pieces and hid them in the walls. 

Aunt: Okay, that's it. I am sick and tired of your lies, young lady. You're grounded. 

The girl rolls her eyes and gets up from her chair and walks to the stairs. 

Girl: Fine. There's nowhere to go in this stupid town anyway. And just for your information, that wasn't a lie. 

The girls walks upstairs. Jiminy shakes his head. He goes back to the attic. Back in the attic, the group waits for Jiminy. Kairi has calmed down a little. Jiminy comes back. They all see him.

Riku: Well?

Jiminy: No clues. I looked everywhere. 

Roxas: (Sighs) Now what do we do? 

Riku: Kairi, try to contact them again.

Kairi: Got it. (Takes out the communicator) Sora? Sora, are you there?

Just then, they thought they were an echo in the attic. But then, they see a blue light behind one of the boxes. Roxas walks slowly to it. And to everyone's shock, he found Sora's communicator. Kairi runs to it and holds it. She looks at it. 

Kairi: They really were here...

Riku: But if they were, then what has happened to them?

Jiminy: Well, we'll have to find out in the morning. It's already getting late and we all need to sleep. 

Namine: He's right. Kairi, I promise, we'll find out what happened to them tomorrow. In the meantime, let's get some sleep. 

Kairi: Ok...

Everyone finds old blankets and pillows and use them to sleep with. They all lay down and prepare to go sleep. As they do, they all hear drumming. They all look around and then the drumming stops. They figure it was probably nothing, but little did they know, they're about to find out the mystery of the disappearances of Alan, Sora, Donald and Goofy.        

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