Chapter 3: Meeting Sarah, sucked into Jumanji, and bats.

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It is now nighttime. Alan and his new friends are eating dinner at the table. When Alan's father came home, he was introduced to Sora, Donald and Goofy. He was glad Alan met new friends. As they eat, they hear his father talking a speech. He walks downstairs as he does. 

Mr. Parrish: Hard work, determination, a cheerful outlook, attributes that have exemplified the Brantford spirit...since our forefathers first settled this town. Despite the harshness of our native clime and the granite of our soil, we have--

Sora looks and sees Alan's parents talking. Then, they come to the table. Mrs. Parrish smiles at Alan. 

Mr. Parrish: Well, we're--we're on our way. 

Alan: Okay.

Mrs. Parrish: I told your father what you told me this afternoon. That it wasn't just Billy Jeesup. 

Mr. Parrish: Look, if i'd--if i'd known that, Alan, i would't have--

Alan: It's okay, dad.

Mr. Parrish: But i want you to know how proud i am of you. I mean, you faced them, even thought you were outnumbered by one. (Looks at Sora, Donald and Goofy) And i want to thank you three for what you've done. 

Sora: You're welcome, sir. 

Donald: We'll always help people who are in trouble. 

Mrs. Parrish: (Smiles) We're very graceful for what you three have done. 

Goofy: Aw, shucks. 

Sora: Double shucks.

Donald: Yeah, it was nothing. Besides, Alan did looked like he could handle himself.

Alan smiles at his new friends, glad he has new good friends like them. Sora sees his communicator beeping. He covers it and stands up. 

Sora: Um, could you excuse us? I need to talk to my friends somewhere alone. 

Mr. Parrish: Go ahead. 

They walk into the kitchen, leaving the family talking. Sora turns on his communicator and Kairi's voice is heard on it.

Kairi on communicator: Sora?

Sora: I'm here. 

Kairi on communicator: Are you okay down there?

Sora: Yeah. I'm fine. We're all fine. 

Kairi on communicator: We were worried. We haven't heard from you in eight hours. 

Sora: Sorry. We just made a new friend. And we've been staying with him. His name is Alan Parrish. He's a nice boy. You guys would like him. 

Kairi on communicator: (Giggles) I bet we would. Listen, we're going to sleep right now. We'll contact you tomorrow. 

Sora: Ok. Bye, Kairi. 

Kairi on communicator: Bye.

Sora turns off the communicator. He looks at his friends and he nods at them. Then, they hear an argument in the dinning room. They all walk out of the kitchen and see Alan's parents leaving as Alan is looking at a book while frowning. 

Alan: I guess I'm not ready for Cliffside then! 

Mr. Parrish: We're taking you there next Sunday! And I don't wanna hear another word about it! 

Alan: You won't. I'm never talking to you again!

Mr. Parrish slams the door as he leaves. Alan then tears the book in half. Sora and his friends wonder what happened while they were in the kitchen. Alan sees them.

Kingdom Hearts: JumanjiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ