Chapter 9: Van Pelt, and stampede

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Alan drags Sarah into the library with everyone behind them. They all sit down on chairs by a table. Judy lays the game on the table, and opens it. She sits down with the others. Sarah looks at everyone. 

Sarah: Anybody up for iced tea? I'm gonna make some tea. 

She gets up to leave, but Alan stabs the floor, and Donald angrily quarks at her. They both glare at her as everyone watches. She slowly sits back down with a sigh. 

Sarah: Alan, please, last time I played this game, it ruined my life. 

Alan: (Chuckles) It ruined your life?

Sarah: Yes. 

Alan: Heh, heh. Did you hear that, Sora?

Sora: Yeah, I did. Sarah, tell us. Do you remember this?

Alan, Sora, Donald and Goofy: "In the jungle, you must wait until the dice read five or eight."

Donald: Does that sound familiar?

Sarah: (Looks at Alan) I was a little girl, Alan. You and your friends disappeared. And a bunch of bats surrounded me and chased me down the street. I was afraid. I'm sorry, Alan. No one believed me. I was all alone. 

Alan: (Looks at her with a sad look) So were me and my friends, for 26 years, Sarah. 

Sarah: (Smiles sadly) Me too. 

Namine: It's okay, Sarah. We're scared too. All of us. 

Judy: But if we finish the game, it'll all go away. 

Sarah: What if I get stuck in the game? 

Alan: You won't. Because I won't stop playing. 

Judy: And neither will I. 

Peter: I won't either. 

Sora: And my friends and I will help you all every step of the way. 

Peter holds out his fist to everyone. Sora and his friends put their hands on his. Judy puts hers on next, and then Alan. Everyone looks at Sarah. 

Alan: Come on, Sarah. 

Judy: Please?

Kairi: Sarah, we promise, nothing will happen to you. And it will all be over. 

Sarah looks at everyone, and then she puts her hand on theirs. 

Sarah: I knew this was gonna be a bad day. 

Alan: Hey, come on, we'll be fine. We just have to keep our heads. And roll with the punches. 

Alan looks down as everyone takes back their hands, and he sees Sarah holding his hand. He looks at her, and she looks at him with a little smile. She lets go, and he picks up the dice. He shakes his hand, and drops the dice. The dice land on 11, and his elephant token go 11 spaces. 

Riku: 11. You're halfway there, Alan. It's good. 

They all lean in to look the game as words appear in the black spot. Alan reads it.

Alan: "A hunter from the darkest wild...(Gets nervous and scared as he stands up)...makes you feel just like a child." 

Sora, Donald, and Goofy get nervous too as they too stand up. Everyone looks at them. 

Kairi: Sora, what's the matter?

Sarah: What is it?

Alan, Sora, Donald and Goofy: Van Pelt. 

Then, a gunshot erupt from the door windows. A plastic globe is shot. 

Donald: Get down!

Everyone ducks down as a man wearing a hunter uniform and hat comes into the house with a rifle. He aims for Alan, Sora, Donald, and Goofy as they run out of the library. He fires, but hits the door and misses. 

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