"Y/N! Come join. It feels great!" Felix, Pans first in command, called to you from the water.

"No thanks! I'm good over here..." You called back to him.

He just shrugged. "Okay. Suit yourself then.”

You sat for a few minutes before you felt a pair of arms pick you up bridal style.

You looked up, panicked, and saw Pan carrying you towards the rocks. You start to kick your legs a little bit upon realizing this.

"No no no, Pan, please put me down." You pleaded but he just laughed and kept walking.

"Pan, im serious!" Nervousness was evident in your voice, causing Pan to slow down and look down at you concerned.

"Why don't you want to swim?" He asked once he came to a complete stop on the rock.

He set you down and you attempted to walk around him back to the beach, but he stopped you.

"I just don't want to. Please let me go," you pleaded.

He smiled cleverly and took a step towards you. "No, " he said playfully.

You knew that if you walked back too far, you would fall into the water and that wouldn't turn out well. Everybody would find out you can't swim and you would probably almost drown.

You looked over the edge to see that the water wasn't that far down and all the lost boys were ushering you to jump.

You shook your head and turned back to Pan. "I can't."

"Are you afraid of heights, Y/N? It's not that high up."

"No, it's not that. I just... I can't."

He took a step towards you. "How bad could it be? I'm sure you'll be fine Y/N. Just jump."

You, in response, took a step back, almost stumbling over the edge. You grabbed his shoulders as to not fall and to pull yourself back up.

You started breathing heavily at that sudden jolt of adrenaline. He grabbed your hands and leaned you over the edge, your back towards the water beneath you.

You held on tightly to the boy's hands as they were threatening to let go which would send you into the deep waters below. (Not that deep, but deep enough that you couldn't stand, and therefore, would not be able to swim.)

"Peter, please. Please dont let me go!" You said, squeezing your eyes shut.

You felt his hands pull you up so that you were once again balanced.

"Why? Why don't you want to go in the water?" he said his smile dropping. He was now looking at you with an anticipated look, waiting for you to tell him.

You looked down at the water below you and back up to Pan's eyes. "I-I can't...* you sighed. "I can't swim. There." You huffed finally.

You didn't want to admit to him that you couldn't swim because it was kind of embarrassing. It was something that every person your age should know how to do, but you didn't. So much for hiding it. Now he would think you're lame for not being able to swim.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier than, Y/N?" He asked. There was a small hint of laughter behind his words.

"Because... It's embarrassing. It makes me seem... Weak, I guess." You told him, looking down at your hands which were messing with the hem of your shirt.

"Why would you think it's embarrassing Y/N? It doesn't make you weak," he said with a small laugh. "It just means you can't swim. You can easily be taught."

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