Henry's Heart

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Requested by sofiashipsshirbert. Thank you for the request! I am completely open to more requests. Sorry, this took me so long to get out. I wrote this over the span of a lot of days, so it is kind of all over the place.

Pan only recently told you about his plan. Neverlands magic was running out, which meant that Peter would no longer be able to claim ownership and die out. Being that you had been dating the boy for years, you could not let that happen. He planned to get the heart of the truest believer, the only thing that could restore the island's magic. You had been looking for months and Pan thought he finally found the perfect target.

Henry Mills.

The only boy who believed in the fairy tales when everyone had their memories erased. The only boy who has believed in everybody. The only boy who sees the good in everybody despite there being none. He was the perfect target. He would be easy to convince, easy to persuade. It was the only way.

So that was our plan. Get the boy, convince him he is saving magic, steal his heart, regain the island's magic. When Pan got him though, you didn't realize he was only a little boy. He was maybe 10 or 11. How could you possibly take the heart of a poor little boy?

He started getting used to hanging out on the island and fitting in with the lost boys. You even got pretty close with him. You sat with him at the bonfire, helped him feel comfortable, and most of all made sure that he was safe. As you got closer to him, the more you doubted the idea of killing him. This boy had a family, a life. He didn't deserve to lose any of it because he fell victim to Pan's clutch.

One of the worst parts was, Peter was lying about so much to get to him. He was making Wendy pretend to be sick to make Henry sympathize. He was telling him he would be a hero to not just Neverland, but all magic. You had to talk to him about this.

"Pan, I don't feel comfortable about this plan anymore," you told him one day. You had finally gotten the chance to speak up in his tent. You sat on his bed as he was getting himself dressed for the day.

"Since when did you call me Pan love?" he asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Well- Peter. Look, I think we need to find another way," you told him.

"Y/n, this is the only way. We need the heart of the truest believer, and he is the truest out there. We can't find anything better," he explained.

"But, Peter, he's only 11. He has a family, a home. We can't take that away from him."

"Y/n, do you not understand?" he said turning around to face you. "I don't care about his family, I don't care about everything he is missing out on. We need him or else I will die. Do you want that Y/n?" By now, he had stepped up to you and was only a few inches from your face. You weren't afraid of him, but you leaned back and looked away from him. You knew what he was doing was wrong, but you doubted that you would be able to convince him.

"Well no, of course not. I just..." you started, but dwindled off.

"Baby," he said softly. He placed his fingers under your chin and turned your face towards him. He looked into your eyes for a few seconds before softly placing his lips against yours. You kissed him back immediately, bringing your hands up through his hair. You fell into him deeper as the kiss progressed. He ended up slowly moving you back onto the bed so he was on top of you. His tongue brushed against your lips asking for entrance. You allowed him, giving in to his will completely. He hadn't kissed you like this in weeks. He had been so busy with Henry that he hadn't paid you much mind. It felt nice. It felt good to have his body pressed against yours again, to have his lips moving in perfect sync with yours. 

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