The Infamous Peter Pan

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Today is the day you finally get to get off of Hook's ship and finally go onto the island of Neverland on your first mission. Hook is your father and you and his crew have been on Neverland for a few months. He wouldn't let you off the boat for missions or any reason. He always told you that it was way too dangerous. 

It wasn't that he didn't trust you. You were a skilled fighter, your father made sure of that, after all, you were a pirate, but he was scared of what you would come across on the island. Like, what could be on the island that you couldn't fight off? You didn't know until your father told you just the other day after you asked once again to join a mission.

"There's a boy who rules this island who goes by the name of Peter Pan. He doesn't look very harmful, but don't let him fool you. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."

"What's so bad about him?" you asked. "Can I not just fight him off? It couldn't be that hard, plus, there will be other guys there with me."

"Y/N, I love you okay, but I can't let you go. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Pan is ruthless and won't hesitate to take someone I love from me." He told you. You knew your father would do anything to protect you, but it sucked being on the ship and only on the ship. You must have seen every crevice and every hidden trapdoor on the entire darn thing.

Today though, you are finally going to get off the ship. Much to your disappointment, it's only a supply run to get some berries and stuff like that. 'Why though?' you wonder. You already have food on the ship. He honestly probably only sent you on a supply run because he knew how badly you want to get off the boat and he figured this was the safest way to get you on a "mission." You were equipped with a dagger and some other protective gear.

You walk off with one of your dad's mates whom you know very well, Thomas Wilson. He has been on the ship working with your father as long as you can remember. Whenever things got boring on the ship, he would always find ways to occupy you. He was always there for you growing up and he was your godfather. He is just as protective as your father, but he was also a lot more fun.

You and Thomas walk around the shore for a short minute before heading into the forest. Looking around, the trees remind you of the forests around Storybrooke that you used to always explore when you weren't at sea. The sun sits high above the horizon, but you knew it would be getting dark in a few hours.

"We should explore a bit," you say wanting to look around more, maybe climb some trees, anything really to have some excitement.

"We really shouldn't. If anything happened to you, your father would kill me," he responded with his breathy Australian accent.

"I won't get hurt, you know that Tom," you call him by the nickname you always do.

"I know you won't Y/N, but your father will be very upset if he found out that I let you mess around on Neverland. And, if something were to happen, you and me both would be in a lot of trouble." You understand his precaution but don't care. You are going to explore, with or without your little pirate buddy.

You let him take the lead to where you were supposed to be getting the berries and wood, slowly letting yourself fall further and further behind till you could walk away unnoticed. You get away smoothly, mentally high-fiving yourself for that.

You walk for a while. taking in the sight and appreciating this beautiful island, before you hear Tom calling your name upon realizing you were gone.

"Y/N! Where the hell are you? Your father is going to kill me for this," he yells. "Y/N! This isn't funny! Come out please," he pleads. You know he's only going to take you to the ship the second you go back, so you remain unseen for a bit.

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