Lets Play

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You had accidentally strayed too far away from captain hook and his ship. You and his crew were all on Neverland because Hook had to retrieve something that belonged to him. He had told you that the heinous Peter Pan had taken something of his, and he was bound to get it back.

You were wandering on the island, making sure you looked out for Dreamshade when you realized that you had gotten lost in the sights and wandered from the rest of the crew. The island was beautiful, yes, but very large and very easy to get lost in. You looked around for a bit, trying to find a familiar path, but you couldn't identify anything familiar. 

You managed to keep your calm despite the situation. You knew that you could get lost on the island and get discovered by Peter Pan, but you didn't want to think about that. 

Speak of the devil, you heard a voice behind you and when you turned to look, you saw none other than the devil himself.

"Are you lost?" he asked. You took a step back in alert. "You look lost to me."

"Y-you're... You're-"

"Peter Pan?" he interrupted. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?"

"I feel like I shouldn't give you that information, Pan," you told him, squinting your eyes at him.

"Well then, this should be interesting," he said, smirking while walking closer to you. You took another step back but he was quicker and knocked you out.


You woke up on the ground, having no clue where you were. You were probably still on Neverland, but you had no idea where. Peter Pan had taken you somewhere unfamiliar. You stood up and quickly brushed off some of the dirt that had gotten on you. 

You had worn light clothing consisting of leggings, black ankle boots, a white t-shirt and a grey cloak given to you by Hook. Not really good travel wear, but you didn't think that you'd really be wandering the island that much, let alone get kidnapped.

You look around to see your surroundings when all of a sudden, a group of boys came out of the trees from all directions, making a somewhat defective circle around you. Instinctively, you reached for the belt that held your dagger, only to find it had been removed.

"Ugh, I'm going to kill you, Pan,' you said quietly.

A few of the boys stepped apart, breaking the non-uniformed small circle to let Pan step through.

"That's going to be a lot harder than it looks, love," he said, the circle closing again behind him. He walked closer to you until he was close enough to grab you. You didn't step back because you knew there was nowhere to go, Instead, you stood taller, trying to show your confidence.

"Would you like to tell me your name yet? It would be helpful for our next little activity," he said, a smirk appearing on his face.

You gave him a confused look. "Activity?" you asked him.

"Yes, we are going to play a little game. See my lost boys here," he said, gesturing to the circle of boys that surrounded us. "They have been a little bored recently,  and unfortunately, love, you've fallen victim."

Crap. You knew Pan's games weren't always fair. He could care less whether you lived or died, which meant you were probably going to die.

"I don't want to play your stupid game, Pan," you glowered at him. 

"Well, sadly, you don't get that choice, love," he lowered his gaze to scan your body, smirking once he met your eyes again. You scrunched up your face and punched him unexpectedly, causing him to stumble sideways. This caused a few noises of surprise to come from the lost boys.

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