Cheaters Never Win

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David takes the lead while we follow where Regina's spell leads us. Henry was Kidnapped by Peter Pan and Emma and Regina have been doing everything they can to get him back. Henry was like a brother to me. Ever since I came to Storybrooke, he and I have gotten close. He was a few years younger than me but we hung out every day. His complicated family took me in as if I was their own. He was your family, and you were determined to get him back.

I am following behind Regina with Mary Margaret behind me as we reach the spot Regina's spell took us.

"No one's here," Mary Margaret says softly. "Maybe your spell was wrong Regina."

"Yes, blame me," Regina says turning to look at her. "Again."

Hook follows behind Emma while Regina trails behind Hook. We reach an open area and Emma sees something.

"Guys," she says, watching her footing so she doesn't fall. "Hold on."

I look up to see him. Henry! Did the spell work?

"Is that... Henry!" she calls starting to run after him. Excitement bubbles up inside of me. We finally found him, we can finally leave this island.

My heart drops when he turns around to reveal the one and only Peter Pan. "Hi, Emma," he says, bringing Emma and the rest of us to a sudden halt.

"Where the hell is Henry," Emma says seriously. We were so close. I hate Peter, why does he have to be such a pain so much of the time.

"You broke the rules," he says. Ugh, even his voice is annoying. He and his perfect little accent have to ruin everything again. "That's not fair," he continues. "Bad form."

I just want to punch his arrogant little face and demand he tells us where Henry is, but I know that won't accomplish anything. It would be foolish anyway since I know he is much stronger than me.

"I expect more from you Captain," Pan speaks again.

"Aye, and you will get it," Killian responds.

"Give Henry to me," Emma speaks up.

"Sorry, can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win," Pan says, a small smile forming on his face. As if on cue, a bunch of buys holding arrows and torches start to surround us.

"And you Y/N," he says looking directly at me. "I expected better from you."

The boys pull in closer to us, causing me to forget about Pan and go into defensive mode. 

"Watch out for their arrows," Hook warns. "They're laced with Dreamshade."

3rd Person POV

Pan's lost boys start shooting their arrows at the group. They immediately start to fight back. David and Mary Margaret shoot back arrows while Regina uses magic against them. 

Peter looks over at Y/N, watching her fight with such skill. He wants her, and when Pan wants something, he gets it.

Hook fights against Felix while Emma looks for Pan. 

Y/N fights of a lost boy, pushing him against a tree. She turns around to see Peter Pan, right behind her, grinning. He blows something in her face, causing her to pass out. He makes a gesture at one of the lost boys to grab her and take her back to the camp. 

Pan whistles, signaling all the lost boys to return to him. "Remember what I told you," he said to Emma. "That map will show you where Henry is. Only when you stop denying who you really are." 

"Wheres Y/N?" Mary Margaret asks, realizing she was no longer with them.

"She's mine now. At the expense of your cheating. I'll make sure to send them regards." he says before running off with the rest of the lost boys.

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