The Return (Part 2)

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(Possible trigger warning: depression, self-harm, abuse, death)

10 years later

Y/n woke up in her bed again. The time read 6:48. She knew she should probably get up or she wouldn't get up at all so she dragged herself out of bed. After getting herself up, she looked at herself in the mirror. She noticed that her figure had really diminished, for she hadn't eaten in days. While she knew this was in no way healthy for her, it was uncontrollable at this point. She rummaged through her closet for some clean clothes. Wow, she really needed to do laundry. She found a simple pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt which she covered with a sweatshirt to hide the scars on her arms that grew day by day.

The end of the school year was approaching fast, meaning that the end of her sophomore year was right around the corner. Then she would finally be halfway through high school and would be finishing soon. That was all she wanted... to be done with school... if she didn't end it before then. She despised school with all her being. People tended to find it funny that she went missing for a few months when she was younger. The worst part was, she couldn't even remember what actually happened during those few months. Sure, she was only 6 years old, but what she had imagined happened was wild and totally unrealistic.

Shortly after she returned home, she just had to tell about all the adventures she had with Peter Pan on Neverland. Her parents let her believe it for a while but as she started getting older and was still believing it, they had to cut it off. The kids at school bullied her and her parents started to think she was retarded. She started to realize that Peter Pan was just some fantasy she created in her head. None of it was real, just a deception her brain created for her to feel loved after her parents didn't do that for her.

When that realization finally hit her, and after the fatal accident with her mom, she fell into a major depression. She tried to avoid this major let down as a child, but this image of a caring boy had given her hope, only for it to plummet back down into earth's core. The thought that nobody had actually ever loved her broke her. It felt so blissful, so nice to have that feeling of affection, but she knew she would never feel it again.

Y/n caught the bus as she had done every day for 10 years. The bus, as usual, smelt of dingey dust and sweat. High school boys never smelt well. She took a seat in her usual spot and the bus moved forward. There had been so many times she contemplated running away before getting on this thing. After everything that she had been through in the past few years, she was living no life suitable for a young girl her age. She hoped she could maybe get someone to realize that; the cops or Child Services, someone. She only had two years until she was 18 but until then, she couldn't go anywhere. She was working two jobs on top school trying to pay the bills that her father was too drunk half the time to care about. She was failing all of her classes and surely wouldn't graduate when the time came. She was sure she would have to drop out of school eventually. It was the only way for her to be able to make enough money for her to start a living on her own. She thought about her options. If she ran away, would anything even get any better? Would anybody care? Would her father even care? He would lash out often when she came home late, but if she never came home at all, what would he do? He sometimes hit her. It was never bad enough to leave marks on her body, but bad enough to make her cry every night and fear coming home after school and work. She avoided any possible trouble she could around him. She never knew what he would do while he was drunk.

She decided it was final. She needed to get away from her father. Whatever it took, she was going to find a suitable home. She loved her father so much and would never want to do anything that could hurt him but this was something she knew she needed to do. If Peter Pan had taught her anything, it was to always to believe in herself. At least one good thing came out of her younger fantasies. She was going to do it tonight.

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