Far Away

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I really liked writing that one chapter with the song so I am thinking of making more of them. Let me know if you have any song requests you would like me to do. Thank you for reading!

This one is based on the song Far Away by Nickleback.


Peter's POV

This time, this place, misused mistakes.

I have felt so lost, so hopeless since I let her go. I made a mistake, I pushed her away, and now she hates me. I loved her, I love her still, but she may never forgive me.

I sit at the campfire with all the lost boys, missing the presence of Y/N. She always brought a certain atmosphere that I am now longing for.

Too long, too late, who was I to make you wait?

I don't even know how long it has been since she left me. Time stands still on Neverland and I haven't been counting the days. I have felt too lost to keep track.

 I am sitting at the campfire, waiting for Y/N to return from wherever she went. She knows I hate it when she leaves without telling me where she is going. It is far too dangerous for her to be out in the forest alone, but she never listens to me.

I see her walk in to view with a few of the lost boys. I walk up to her, anger clearly written on my face. The other lost boys know instantly to leave. They don't want to face me when I'm angry.Y/N rolls her eyes.

"Where were you Y/N? You know I hate it when you leave without me knowing." I tell her as calmly as I could. I could hear some of the anger escaping with my words.

"Peter, every time I tell you I'm going somewhere, you flip out on me and never let me go. I just want to do stuff with the lost boys. I don't always need to be under your watch Peter!" she shoots back.

I never let her go on hunts or on missions with the lost boys, not because I don't trust her, but because it is too dangerous and I don't want to risk her getting hurt. Why cant she see that I am just trying to protect her?

"It is dangerous out there Y/N! Of course, I need to know where you are! I don't want you getting hurt okay? Why can't you just listen to me?" I blurt at her, more forcefully than I planned.

"Peter! This is not trying to protect me! You are trying to restrict me!" she takes a few deep breaths before continuing. "What happened to you, Peter?" she says with tears starting to brim her eyes. My expression softens at seeing her about to cry. "Things were fine between us. We always did things together and we would always have fun and now... you've just become controlling."

What? I haven't become more controlling. She has become more rebelling. "I haven't gotten more controlling Y/N. You have been rebelling. I have just had to become more strict to get you to listen to me."

"Peter, that's not how relationships work. We are supposed to listen to each other. You haven't been listening to me at all. You have just been bossing me around."

Just one chance, just one breath, just in case there's just one left.

I should have listened to her. I didn't realize how controlling I was starting to get. After that, we started drifting apart to the point where we barely talked and we never kissed anymore. I let my pride get in the way of our relationship and now I wish I hadn't.

"I want to go back home Peter," she said in tears.

That hit me like a brick in the chest. Why did she want to go home? "Y/N..."

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