Kitten In The Glade

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This was requested by my best friend. She really wanted me to write an imagine with a kitten in the glade because I showed her something on Pinterest. So, here this is, thank you for reading! 

It was only a month ago, with last month's new greenie. It was like every other Box Day. A new greenie showed up, scared out of his wits, they had a good laugh at him, helped him out, and grabbed out the supplies that were sent up. Only this time, they didn't just find supplies.

They went to pick up one of the boxes, only to find something crawl out from behind them. It scared the wits out of Gally, making him angry that people saw him get jump scared. He was even angrier when he found out what had scared him.

It was a kitten. A tiny little kitten.

Everyone was confused yet excited for their new little furry frenzy that had arrived out of nowhere. Alby was concerned and unsure as to whether that should be touching it. Most of the other gladers wanted to play with it. Newt was cautious but wasn't very clingy towards it. Gally despised the thing because it made a fool of him. 

Eventually, the Glade accepted the kitten. They found it was a girl and they fed her Frypan's food and played with her in their downtime. Alby no longer had concerns for she was just a little kitten. Newt was okay with her wandering around. Gally still hated her but stopped kicking her every time she came near.

If anything, the kitten actually softened some of the gladers after a few days. Fry of course loved her. Alby warmed up to her and named her Clem, short for Clemence. Newt actually started to enjoy playing with the kitten as well. 

Clem, for some reason, had taken an odd liking to Gally. She tried to sleep in Gally's hammock, spend most of her time rubbing up against him while he was working, and constantly went to him when she wanted to play. Gally was getting annoyed and fed up with her constantly wanted to be around him. He always placed her on the floor when she tried to lay with him, pushed her away, and getting upset with her.

"Come on, Gally. She's sweet!" Newt exclaimed while she was hyper and playing. They had managed to make some toys for her to play with out of ripped clothing and other materials around the Glade.

"Newt, she only gets in the way. And don't you see how much of a distraction she's been?" Gally said, almost unbelieving that Newt had succumbed to the kitten's ways.

"If anything, Gally, I think she's been good for the Glade. Have you noticed how everyone has been a lot less stressed lately? Everyone besides you I should say."

Gally rolled his eyes and went back to his work. Clem again came back to him. He looked to Newt for help but he just shrugged.

"Maybe you should give her a chance," he said and walked away.

"Come on," he said to the little kitten. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me?" Her only response was a tiny little 'Meow.' Gally scoffed and returned to his work.

She stepped right in front of him and to avoid tripping over her, Gally stumbled over her. "Come on. Can't you see I'm busy?" Again, only a 'meow.' He decided to ignore her for the time being. She kept returning to him, bugging him and getting in his way. "Clem..." he said, feeling defeated. He could literally do nothing to keep this kitten away from him. He hated himself for it, but he gave in.

He sat cross-legged on the ground. "Fine, you wanna play? Fetch," he said, throwing one of the toys that newt left behind. Clem ran after the shredded knot of fabric and wrestled with it, rolling onto her backside. Gally lightly laughed at her.

Realizing he was now falling into the kitten's cuteness, he immediately stopped smiling, stood up, and returned to his work. He tried to ignore her but when she came over and sat right on his shoe, he rolled his eyes, giving in.

He picked her up and held her to his chest. "What now huh?" he said playfully. "What do you want to do? You wanna play?" he placed her on the ground, went after the toy he threw and sat next to her. "Okay, we'll play. I bet I'll win too. Think you can handle that?"

She meowed quietly, making Gally smile. "Okay. I'm gonna take that as a yes." He played with her on the ground for a few minutes before getting to his feet. "You want it?" She was jumping at him, her paws barely going halfway up his calves. "You're going to have to catch me then!"

He ran around, but not too far, with Clem chasing him, jumping at the knot of fabric he was holding just above her reach. "Oh, come on. You can do better than that! You gotta catch it," he was saying playfully, laughing.

Newt, working in the gardens a few yards away, noticed that Gally was finally playing with the kitten. He smiled, knowing that he would have hated any of the gladers seeing him act this way.

After a while, Clem lost energy, and so did Gally. Clem sat next to Gally as he ate dinner. He spoiled her that night, feeding her almost half of his dinner. When bedtime came around, he laid down in his hammock, feeling much better than he had the past few days. He must have relieved a lot of stress by playing with that kitten. Maybe Newt was right, maybe she had been good for the Glade. 

Gally had felt Clem's little paw's on his legs only a few moments before he was asleep. She wanted to cuddle but was a little apprehensive after being pushed away so many times. "Okay, okay," Gally said quietly, lifting a part of his blanket for her to climb under. Clem uttered another tiny meow, sounding like "Thank you," and crawled under his arm. She got herself comfortable and laid down, falling asleep fairly quickly. Gally smiled and laid his arm over her, holding her close to him.


"Where'd she go?" Gally heard Newt say outside the hut. He must have been talking about Clem. She was still under Gally's arm, sleeping so peacefully. He didn't want to wake her up, but he didn't want everybody to find out that Gally had cuddled with her all night. He decided to keep quiet and pretend to still be sleeping. Nobody would know that she was under Gally's blanket.

The sounds of the Gladers waking up around him started sounding, signaling that a new day was soon to begin. Gally stayed where he was in fear of waking up the sleepy kitten. 

"Gally," he heard Newt say. Gally couldn't pretend to sleep anymore. "Have you seen Clem?" 

As if she'd been called, she started to stir beneath him. "No," Gally answered. He figured once he left, he could set her on the ground and he wouldn't know. "Maybe she's with Fry."

"We already checked."

Clem slid her head underneath Gally's arm and through the blanket with a little meow. Newt looked down at the movement, saw the tiny kitten's head, and looked back up at Gally. A smile started to spread across Newt's face as he realized that Gally actually cuddled with Clem all night.

"Okay, okay shuck-face," Gally said sitting up. "If you mention a word of this to anyone, I will hit you."

"You wouldn't dare Gally," Newt said before turning around and walking away, a huge smile still plastered on his face.

As Clem jumped down from the hammock and onto the floor, Gally smiled down at her. She meowed at him as he stepped over the side and stood up. He picked her up and held her in his arms for a bit. "Gonna bug me while I'm working again Clem?" She meowed in response. 

"Okay. Maybe, maybe I will let you get away with it this time," he said setting her on the ground again. "You gotta catch me first!" He ran out of his hut and towards the middle of the Glade.

As he saw the little kitten falling behind him, he knew that he could get used to this.


Thank you for reading. I just found my paper with all my ideas so I am feeling great about these again! I am still taking requests and still working on a few of yours. Thank you for the requests, please feel free to leave me some more! Thank you for all the support, and yes, I do read all of your comments. I love them too. please don't forget to vote ily all!!

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