Fix You

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Hello! So I've seen a few imagines where they base the story off of a song going line by line and so I thought that I would try it. The song I am doing is Fix You by Coldplay. I hope you like this! The song is above if you'd like to listen to it while reading.

Warning, this is sad.

Italicized means its a memory Bold means lyrics


Peters POV

"When you try your best but you don't succeed. When you get what you want but not what you need."

It's all my fault. Y/N is dead and it's all my fault. If I had just been quicker, if I could have just made it to her in time, she would still be alive.

Y/N was everything I could have ever asked for. She was beautiful and amazing and she showed me what true love was like. I loved her so much, more than anything. She was my everything. She cared for me at my lowest moments and my highest. She could always lift my mood with just one kiss. Nothing could have ever separated us.

We were the perfect pair, and now, thanks to those bloody pirates, she is dead. By the time I was able to reach her, there wasn't any magic I could do. I hate myself for not being able to save her.

"When you feel so tired but you can't sleep. Stuck in reverse"

Every single night, I stay up, playing her death over and over again in my head, crying, wishing I could have changed the outcome. I can't sleep no matter how hard I try. I cant push those thoughts out of my head, I can't keep the bad thoughts away.

I look beside me only to see the empty space Y/N would usually be occupying. It only fills me with more guilt. She could have been here with me right now if I hadn't been so stupid. I wouldn't feel so lost and like my whole life was torn from me. I would do anything to have her back in my arms.

I cry for hours on end before I realize the sun has risen and I didn't sleep at all. She fills my mind. The way she always smelled like firewood and grass, the way her Y/E/C always looked so beautiful when she smiled and the way her hair always looked fresh and was always so smooth. I can't get her out of my head, memories fill my mind and i cant push them away. I don't want to.

"And the tears come streaming down your face."

I spend every day in my tent crying. I remember all of the moments we shared in this room, on this bed, every joke we shared, and every sad moment we shared. Without her, all I feel is an empty hole in my heart.

The lost boys often come into my tent to check up on me. I appreciate their gestures, but I just want to be alone.

"Pan, we need you out here, the lost boys need you," Felix often says to me.

I can never pull myself together enough to get out there. "I will be there later," or "Not right now," I will tell him. He knows that no matter what I say, I won't come, but he just nods and returns to the lost boys.

I know my lost boys need me, I keep telling myself that ill pull through tomorrow or that I just need a few hours, but I can never get over everything. The guilt, the hopelessness, the missing part of me.

"When you lose something you can't replace. When you love someone but it goes to waste. Could it be worse?"

Her death replays over and over in my head.

She's running, I'm fighting. I see her run further from me. She is running from a bunch of people with arrows.

I was such an idiot, I thought she would be fine. After all, she'd done this before.

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