Forget You

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 Requested by Bananalilyflower135. Thank you for the request. This one is a long one guys, stick in for the ride. Word count: 6098

This is it. This is finally the day that you are going to admit to Peter that you like him. Ever since he brought you to Neverland in the first place, he has been more caring to you than anyone ever has. He brought you in, gave you a place to sleep, and gave you a place where you could enjoy yourself. Not to mention, the lost boys love you too. You are basically like a sister to them. 

You and Peter easily became friends. You found it easier to relate to him, still do. Yet, with him, there is doubt. He is supposed to be the villain, and you can easily see that. He doesn't seem to care about hurting people, he is selfish, he takes what he wants, he is brutally honest. The scary thing is, he is never that way with you. After all the things you went through, you developed a small crush on him. It grew to where it is now. You are falling for a boy you shouldn't be falling for. You're most scared of getting heartbroken. Who wouldn't be? The fear that he will either sacrifice you for something selfish or he will sacrifice absolutely everything for you is scary because there will be no in-between and you know that. But, you think you're ready. Finally.

You prepare yourself for Peter's reaction, immediately thinking the worst, but you are sure that he feels the same way. After all, he always looks at you differently than he does with the Lost Boys or any other girl in fact. He speaks to you differently, he is sweet, he is kind, which is unlike any way you have seen him speak to anybody. He usually talks with a sense of assertion, arrogance, cockiness, but he is just calm and seemingly admiring with you.

You step up to his hut ready to knock on his door when you hear him talking to someone. At first, you can't make out what he is saying, but it is definitely Peter. You can't tell who the other person is though. It is a male's voice, but you don't recognize it and it is definitely not one of the lost boys. You lean in closer to get better clarity about what they are saying. You know you shouldn't be snooping, but you can't help yourself. Whatever Peter is trying to keep a secret is often something to be curious about.

"God, she is so annoying, she is always in my business, and to top it all of, I'm pretty sure she thinks I actually enjoy her company," you hear Peter say clear as day. Immediately, your mind thinks he is talking about you. You are the only lost girl on the island, although, he currently has Wendy on the island as well. She is captured, being held for ransom basically. She certainly doesn't enjoy Peter's company, he can't be talking about her. You brace yourself, ready to hear the worst.

"You hate this girl so much," the other man says, "Hand her over to me. We could use the innocence of a young girl around."

"I would gladly hand her over, but I am afraid she may not be what you are looking for. She is horrible at following instructions. She doesn't listen to a word I say and she only causes trouble," Peter says carelessly. This kind of hurts. At this point, you are almost certain he is talking about you. You had no clue he felt this way about you though. You always thought you listened well enough.

"What's the girl's name?" the other man asks.

"Y/n," Peter replies. This is when the crushing feeling hits. Though you were sure he was talking about you, hearing him clarify it hurt ten times more.

"Pretty name. I suppose it matches a pretty face?"

"I wouldn't say that. If you are looking for a pretty girl, Y/n is not it." Again, that kind of hurt. You never really saw yourself as pretty, but knowing that even he thought you were ugly was kind of painful. "I've heard the lost boys saying I made the wrong choice in bringing her here. She is horrible. She is rude, snarky, possessive, she kind of just does what she wants."

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