The Rain

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The day passed and as each second ticked and each minute passed and every hour completed, Suyin forgot about Chungmin and the responsibility he had her held to. She had never felt so free, goofing off with Hoseok and Jungkook, learning to cook with Seokjin, mentoring Saeyoon, Dohyon and Dongpyo, letting Yoongi touch her hands to teach her piano, doing shooting target practice with Jimin (who eagerly wanted to learn how to use a gun again). Her and Taehyung would pick flowers in the backyard grass (which often got them scolded by Seokjin when Suyin or Taehyung would accidentally snag one of the garden flowers).

She never thought she could have fun. Since fun used to be punching another human and kicking them halfway across the room when they'd mouth back to her, she never felt so calm, so excited in her life.

As night rolled around, heavy thunder clouds took away the sun, lightning cracking the sky and thunder shaking the earth. Rain drenching the area, everybody stayed inside now.

Suyin stared out the window at the rain. She enjoyed its soft smell, it wasn't often a smell she got to experience.  She watched rain drops race down the foggy window, making a little finish line with her finger and silently rooting on one of the raindrops.

"Hey Sy," a voice pulled away her attention from the raindrops, Taehyung sat down on the couch next to her, "Seokjin has dinner." He mumbled, Suyin looked back at the table full of people and a busy Seokjin plating the food. She sighed, nodding as she stood up off the couch, walking to the table and taking an open seat.

The dinner was superb, but she didn't pay attention to most of it. Blocking out the sound of the chattering around her, her eyes were glued to somebody's phone resting on the counter by the sink.

Yes, indeed, Suyin was terrified. What about? Because Chungmin could be watching them at any point. He could be listening to their conversation now, nothing would stop the boss from doing so, in his terms; this group of friends had kidnapped Suyin and were brainwashing her into becoming good. But she knew what Chungmin now did to her was also brainwashing. Telling her things over and over until slowly her mind formed to believe it. Beating her if she dared think different. He'd zap her head, forcing her brain to malfunction for a few seconds which would make her forget certain memories of people. It was how he managed to keep her in control when she was a child.

But that was also one of the reasons why she was terrified. Chungmin could still use that device, he could easily take all of this away from her. He could either wipe her memory of this, or, he could kill all of them. Neither one was the option she wanted.

So yes, Suyin awaited the call from the person she began to fear the most: her own boss. But, what choice did she have? He had the most control out of almost everybody in the country, everything she did was usually always monitored, he could do anything he wanted and get away with it, he could kill anybody he wanted and get away with it. She slowly came to her minds words. Chungmin was always going to be a shadow in her life, whether or not she ran.

"Suyin? You okay?" Hoseok asked, putting his hand on top of hers, she nodded sitting up straighter and pulling her hand away. "I'm fine, I'm just gonna g-go...upstairs for a while." She nodded forcing a smile, getting up and walking towards the stairs feeling everybody's eyes on her.

She ignored them, heading upstairs. Looking at Taehyung's room, she heard a small buzzing. Hurrying over, her worst fear lied sitting on the desk. Her phone ringing, with Chungmin's name on the ID.

Slowly, she walked over to it, picking it up. How coincidental can this get? She thought, answering and raising the phone to her ear. "Suyin." Chungmin's harsh voice made her close her eyes.

"Yes, sir?"

"Don't forget what I have over your head. He is still a mission, and I will make sure you finish it. Now, get your ass back to the facility or I will drag you back." He hissed. Suyin's jaw clenched. "No, I won't come back..."

"If you don't come back, I'll lay a bullet through Dongpyo's head right now." Chungmin threatened. "God I hate you so much! Leave me alone!" Suyin yelled, throwing her phone across the room, it hit the wall breaking in half.

Taehyung ran into the room, putting his hands on her waist. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked panicked, Suyin pushed his hands away, glowering at him. "I hate everything! I hate him! I can't be here, I can't!" She shouted at him, Taehyung stared at her, a mix of confusion and panic in his face. "Whoa...Suyin calm down! You're okay!"

"No I'm not! I'm a threat to everybody here! For the love of god why can't you accept that? Why won't you just let me go!" She yelled, running past him, he tried to grab her wrist but missed as she bolted down the stairs.

Running out the front door into the pouring rain, Suyin felt her eyes burn. More water dripping from her eyes. Tears. She hated crying, never did, but once she started now, she couldn't stop.

The rain pounded against her skin, drenching her clothing, her hair sticking to her body. She hugged herself as she ran faster and faster. Pushing her body to the limits, she wanted out. She wanted to escape, she needed to escape.

Trying to turn a corner but the ground slicked out from under her, she nearly fell to the ground when hands grabbed her, sliding under her and blocking her fall.

Suyin tried to push off of them but they held a strong grip to her. "Let go!" She screamed. "Hey hey hey! Suyin! Calm down!" The voice tried to soothe her, she slowly began to grow weaker from crying so hard. Laying back and eventually allowing Taehyung to cradle her into him, both of their sopping wet bodies touching, the harsh rain beating them up.

Suyin got up, trying to run again but Taehyung grabbed her wrist, sitting up quickly and pulling her back to him. "You know why I can't let go of you?!" Taehyung yelled, the two kneeled down in front of each other, their eyes held together. "Because god why wouldn't I be? You're so perfect even though you're imperfect! You're badass, you're beautiful, you're funny, you're everything I want! You know why I'm not gonna let you go?!" Taehyung shouted, Suyin stayed silent, for the first time, she was speechless.

"Because I love you!"

Suyin's eyes widened, her heart thumping harder and harder. "God Suyin, I love you so damn much..." he lowered his voice. Suyin didn't know what to say, or how to react.

He looked at her. "And if this is your goodbye, then make it memorable." He mumbled, pulling her into.

Their lips crashed together, a million butterflies flowed through the girls stomach and into her brain. Everything inside of her relaxed, pain erased itself, it felt as though a million fireworks exploded around them. She couldn't breathe, but she loved it.

She kissed back, Taehyung cupped her face with his hands, Suyin slowly putting her hands to his chest, their bodies drawing closer. Their lips moved in sync, even the hard downpour of rain around them seemed to soften. Her heart soared, she knew this was so wrong, yet it felt so right.

They stayed there for a minute before eventually pulling away. Their eyes locking, their bones chilled from the coldness, their hair soaked, but wide, beautiful smiles plastered their face.

"So...where do you go from here?" Taehyung asked after their silence rolled away. Suyin caught her breath, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing their foreheads together.

"Home....with you."

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